

Flashcards on Untitled, created by alwennadavies on 06/09/2013.
Flashcards by alwennadavies, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by alwennadavies over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
K101-5 principles of care.... 1.)Support people's right to appropriate services. 2.)Support people's right to having a voice and being heard. 3.)Support people to maximise their potential. 4.)Support people's beliefs and wishes. 5.)Support people's privacy and right to confidentiality.
Block 3 main themes: 2. Communities - different experiences of community- eg locality, identity, social network. Thornhill community and Thornhill Plus You (it would be good for you to have an idea of the various community projects and initiatives discussed in Unit 10 so that you can draw on these where relevant in an exam answer); the importance of social networks (Mina Ali); barriers to accessing supports; targeted services and advocacy 3. Diversity within communities and challenging discrimination – valuing difference, what is meant by diversity within communities; communities of identity (shared values, beliefs, shared characteristics); stereotyping, prejudice and discrimination (Mhairi, Gypsy travellers); racial discrimination; how communities can positively respond to diversity, challenging discrimination a lot of the questions on Block 3 do focus on different aspects of community but about project work, health neighbourhoods, outreach work in communities, participation and involvement of residents in community life and community projects 1. Health and wellbeing – healthy neighbourhoods, Labonte’s model; how lifestyle contributes to health and wellbeing; poverty and social exclusion and the impact of this on people’s wellbeing;
3. Diversity within communities and challenging discrimination – valuing difference, what is meant by diversity within communities; communities of identity (shared values, beliefs, shared characteristics); stereotyping, prejudice and discrimination (Mhairi, Gypsy travellers); racial discrimination; how communities can positively respond to diversity, challenging discrimination A lot of the questions on Block 3 do focus on different aspects of community but about project work, health neighbourhoods, outreach work in communities, participation and involvement of residents in community life and community projects
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