Palabras desconocidas


Espero y te sirva para comprender el inglés un poco mejor
Flashcards by MCH GAMES, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by MCH GAMES almost 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Have Have:Significa tener You have to go home.
Can Can: Significa Puede/Realizar The cats Can walk
May May: Significa puede She may return later
Could Could: Significa Podría You could call her tomorrow
Will Will:es un verbo auxiliar I will be
Would Would: es un verbo auxiliar I would go to the party
Must Must:se refiere a una obligación She must return later
Must not Must not: we refiere a una obligación You must not call her tomorrow
Should Should:We refiere. A una recomendación It should rain this evening
Might Might: we efiere al futuro You might learn at least five new words every day
Snickers Snickers: Significa tenis My favorite Snickers Nike
Walk Walk: Significa caminar The duck can walk
Climb Climb: Significa escalar You climb rocks
Swim Swim: Significa nadar You swim Sea
Think Think: Significa pensar I think
Slow Slow: Significa lento you are slow to run
Teach Teach: Significa enseñar you teach very well
Free Free: Significa gratis Everything is free
Thunder Thunder: Significa Trueno I think there are many thunder
Dry Dry: Significa seco this is dry
Believer Believer: Significa creyente I am a believer
Sleep Sleep: Significa dormir I sleep a lot
Past Past: Significa pasado I miss the past
Wind Wind: Significa viento
Window Window: Significa ventana the window is very open
complain complain: Significa queja I complain about this service
Answer Answer: Significa respuesta it's my final answer
Flower Flower: significa flor that flower is beautiful
Lake Lake: Significa lago that lake is very dirty
Fish Fish: Significa pez The fish beautiful
Bed Bed: Significa cama that bed is comfortable
Picture Picture: Significa fotografía that picture is pretty
Land Land: Significa tierra this land is big
Mind Mind: Significa mente you are open mind
Service Service: Significa servicio this service is appalling
Singned Singned: Significa firmar I signed it
Ad Ad: Significa anuncio this ad is interesting
Advice Advice: Significa consejo I give you this advice
Chemistry Chemistry: Significa química chemistry is interesting
Debt Debt: Significa deuda I have a very large debt
Food Food: Significa comida food is delicious
Fast Fast: Significa rápido everything here is fast
Century Century: Significa siglo this century is eternal
Chair Chair: Significa silla the chair is comfortable
Store Store: Significa tienda the store is cute
Corn Corn: Significa maíz the corn is rich
Business Business: Significa negocio the business is good
Age Age: Significa edad / era my age is of a young man
Tiny Tiny: Significa diminuto that pencil is tiny
Short Short: Significa Corto/bajo
Shape Shape: Significa forma the shape is undefined
Rainy Rainy: Significa lluvioso rainy day
Sunny Sunny: Significa soleado sunny day
Foggy Foggy: Significa niebla it is very foggy
Sweet Sweet: Significa dulce that sweet is very delicious
Ancient Ancient: Significa antiguo this is very ancient
Hard Hard: Significa duro the ball is very hard
Wide Wide: Significa ancho this is something wide
Young Young: Significa joven you are very young
Outdated Outdated: Significa desactualizado your cell phone is outdated
Stiky Stiky: Significa Pegajoso all this is sticky
Damp Damp: Significa húmedo everything is damp
High High: Significa elavado everything is high
Tall Tall: Significa alto everything is tall
Bitter Bitter: Significa amargo It is very bitter
Sour Sour: Significa Agrio it's sour
Dirty Dirty: Significa sucio you are very dirty
Storm Storm: Significa tormenta the storm is strong
Ice Ice: Significa hielo The ice is cold
Current Current: Significa Actual everything is very current
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