Secure passwords


Flashcards you can use for the test so you dont have to use your own
Ananya Binu
Flashcards by Ananya Binu, updated more than 1 year ago
Ananya Binu
Created by Ananya Binu over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Secure Passwords Now you can see which passwords are secure or not
Is 'MyPassword123' a secure password? Yes,it uses capital and lowercase letters and numbers.
Why do we have passwords? To keep our data safe and make sure no one else uses it
Why do we need secure passwords? To make sure people aren't able to hack into your data and blackmail you
Is using the same password on all accounts safe? No,or else a hacker can break into ALL you accounts and steal your data
Now you know what to do for the test Bye!
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