

Jiya Menon
Flashcards by Jiya Menon, updated more than 1 year ago
Jiya Menon
Created by Jiya Menon almost 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Sacred Texts Books that are central to the religious beliefs and practices of a religion.
Oral Tradition Stories and teachings that were passed on by the word of mouth.
Written Tradition Stories or teachings that were written down to make sure the message wouldn't get lost or changed
Vedas One of the main sacred text for Hindus
Bhagavad Gita One of the main sacred texts for Hindus
Tanakh The sacred text for Jews.
Torah The first five books of the Tanakh, containing the law of God.
Tripitaka The sacred text for Buddhists
Bible The sacred text for Christians
Qur'an The sacred text for Muslims
Allah The word for God in Arabic
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