The Eye-opener


Let's get to know each other!
Franica Cassar
Flashcards by Franica Cassar, updated more than 1 year ago
Franica Cassar
Created by Franica Cassar over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
The Eye-Opener Ages 18 & Over: What was your favourite subject in school and what did you like about? _____________________________ Ages 17 & Under: What is your favourite subject in school and what do you like about it
The Eye-Opener What would you like to receive for your next birthday?
The Eye-Opener Describe your favourite way to spend an evening.
The Eye-Opener Talk about the kind of exercise you enjoy the most.
The Eye-Opener If you could share a message with the world what would it be?
The Eye-Opener What is your fashion style? Why?
The Eye-Opener What famous person would you like to visit, and how would you like to spend the time together?
The Eye-Opener What age would you like to be? Tell why.
The Eye-Opener Talk about three things for which you are thankful.
The Eye-Opener What kind of reading do you like to do?
The Eye-Opener Share your feelings about the future.
The Eye-Opener What is your favourite time of day and why do you like it?
The Eye-Opener What is your favourite kind of entertainment? Why?
The Eye-Opener Say something about keeping a promise.
The Eye-Opener What were you called when you were younger? How did you feel about it?
The Eye-Opener Talk about your favourite holiday and why you like it.
The Eye-Opener If you were a teacher, what subject would you like to teach?
The Eye-Opener What is something you have never done that you would like to try? Why?
The Eye-Opener What would you do if your best friend forgot your birthday? How would you feel?
The Eye-Opener Ages 13 & Over: Tell about a special gift you received as a child. ______________________________ Ages 12 & Under: Tell about a special gift you have received from someone.
The Eye-Opener What do you think when you look in the mirror?
The Eye-Opener What is something you would do if you were younger?
The Eye-Opener What is something you feel too old to do? Why?
The Eye-Opener What is something you would like to do to improve your life?
The Eye-Opener What is your favourite day of the week, and why do you like it?
The Eye-Opener What was your favourite TV program when you were younger? Why did you like it?
The Eye-Opener Talk about someone you really admire. Tell why.
The Eye-Opener When do you feel happy and content?
The Eye-Opener Age 13 & Over: What was your favourite meal as a child? _____________________________ Ages 12 & Under: What is your favourite meal?
The Eye-Opener Ages 13 & Over: Describe your childhood bedroom and how you felt about it. ______________________________ Ages 12 & Under: Describe your bedroom and how you feel about it.
The Eye-Opener Ages 13 & Over: What household chores do you remember doing as a child? ______________________________ Ages 12 & Under: What household chores do you do?
The Eye-Opener If you could be given another talent or ability, what would you want it to be? How would you use it?
The Eye-Opener If you could change your body, what part would you like to change? Why?
The Eye-Opener Talk about your favourite kind of music. Why do you like it?
The Eye-Opener If you ever received an award, tell about it.
The Eye-Opener Ages 13 & Over: If you had a pet when you were a child, tell about it. ______________________________ Ages 12 & Under: If you have a pet, tell about it.
The Eye-Opener What school subject has been most difficult for you?
The Eye-Opener If you could be someone else, whom would you like to be? Why?
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