The Business Cycle & Economic Thought


Sophia Lynch
Flashcards by Sophia Lynch, updated more than 1 year ago
Sophia Lynch
Created by Sophia Lynch over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What are the four periods of the business cycle?
What is a 'depression'? A long recession.
What happens during a recession? (3) 1. Occurs after 2 quarters of negative growth in GDP 2. A period when the economy grows at a rate significantly below normal 3. Outputs falls and unemployment rises
What is a 'boom'? A long period of expansion.
What is expansion? A period when the economy grows at a rate significantly above normal.
What type of goods are more affected by short-term economic fluctuations? Durable goods (houses, cars etc) as apposed to non-durable & service industries (builders, food, teachers etc)
What is usually the main reason for a recession? Monetary tightening at the end of an expansion.
What keeps the business cycle going? (4) 1. Business Investment 2. Interest Rates and Credit 3. Consumer Expectations 4. External Shocks (oil supply etc)
What do classical economists believe? The Government should NOT intervene in the market as it clears on its own. Adam Smith & David Ricardo
What does the 'Keynesian' theory suggest? The business cycle can be managed through government intervention in the form of FISCAL POLICY & MONETARY POLICY. The government can manage Aggregate Demand. John Maynard Keynes
What does the 'Monetarist' theory believe? The government should control inflation by controlling the money supply as markets are typically clear and participants have rational expectations. Milton Friedman
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