Vocabulary: Unifying South African cities thanks to street art


Flashcards on Vocabulary: Unifying South African cities thanks to street art, created by Ann-Marie Caro on 29/06/2020.
Ann-Marie Caro
Flashcards by Ann-Marie Caro, updated more than 1 year ago
Ann-Marie Caro
Created by Ann-Marie Caro about 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Graffiti, murale Graffiti, mural
District, quartier, zone District, neighborhood, area
Citoyens, résidants, habitants Citizens, residents, inhabitants
Spectateurs, passants Onlookers, passers-by
Communauté Community
Engagement social Social engagement
Héritage Legacy
Participation active Active participation
Clôture, barrière, frontière Fence, boundary
Crime, criminalité Crime
Vandalisme Vandalism
Dommages Damage
Terne / coloré Dull / colourful
Riche (aisé) / pauvre Rich (wealthy) / Poor
Légal / illégal Legal / illegal
Sûr / dangereux Safe / unsafe
Appartenir à Belong to
Renforcer la confiance Build confidence
Habiliter, responsabiliser Empower
s'impliquer to get involved
Unir Unite
Rassembler, réunir Gather (together)
Rendre hommage à Pay tribute to
Contribuer à Contribute to
Eduquer Educate
Enseigner Teach
Informer Inform
Exposer Exhibit
Afficher Display
Inspirer Inspire
Collaborer, coopérer Collaborate
Rajeunir, renouveler Rejuvenate
Redonner une nouvelle vie Revitalise
Eclaircir Brighten up
Améliorer Improve
Interdire Ban, forbid
Attirer l'attention (des gens) sur Draw people's attention to
Sensibiliser les gens à Make people aware of
Protester, provoquer, dénoncer Protest, provoke, denounce
Soutenir une cause Support a cause
Aborder un problème Tackle an issue (a question)
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