1.1 Ingles


Palabras mas usuales 1 a la 10 de 100
Arturo Pérez
Flashcards by Arturo Pérez, updated more than 1 year ago
Arturo Pérez
Created by Arturo Pérez about 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Word. The. Meaning. el he la the los the las the
Word. be. Meaning. ser o estar be
Word. to. Meaning. a, to hacia, towards hasta, to por, by para, for
WORD. of. MEANING. de of.
WORD. and. Meaning. y and.
Word. a Meaning un a una a
Word. In. Meaning. en in dentro de within
Word. That. Meaning. que than eso/a thant aquello/a thant cual wich one
Word. Have. Meaning. Tener have Haber have
Word I. Meaning. Yo I
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