Distribution of Organisms B2


The distribution of Organisms
Lola Olu
Flashcards by Lola Olu, updated more than 1 year ago
Lola Olu
Created by Lola Olu over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Environmental Factors That Impact The Distribution Of Organisms Temperature Water Light Nutrients Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Predators
What Is A Quadrat? A Quadrat is a square frame used to sample organism in a small area(plants and slow moving organisms)
Use Quarats To Study The Distribution Of Organisms 1.Place a 1m(2) quadrat on the ground at a random point on the first sampling area.-Divide the area into a grid and use a random generator picker to pick the coordinates. 2.Count the the number of organisms within the quadrat. 3.Repeat this as many times as you can. 4.Calculate the mean-Total number of organisms/Number of quadrat. Also you can find the mode and median. 5.Repeat steps 1-4 for the second sampling area. 6.Compare the means.
Use Transect To Study The Distribution Of Organisms Along A Line 1.Make a line in the area you want to study using a measuring tape. 2.Collect the data along that line. 3. U can do this by counting all the organisms that touch the line. 4.You can also use quadrats to collect data.These can be placed at intervals along the line,every 2m(2)
Collecting Environmental Data You Must Think About.... 1.RELIABILITY-When using quadrats and transects your results must be reliable.(REPEATABLE and REPRODUCIBLE)To make you results more reliable you need to take a large sample size. 2.VALIDITY-Your results must be reliable and variables need to be controlled.
Variation The differences in organisms of the same species. 1.Genetic-The characteristics that is inherited. 2.Environmental-Characteristics influenced by the environment.
Specification When populations of the same species become so different that they can no longer breed together.
Species A group of similar organisms that can reproduce to give fertile offspring.
Isolation When populations of a species are separated,due to physical barrier that can geologically isolate some individuals from the main population. Conditions on either sides of the barrier will be slightly different e.g.climates Due to different environments on each side,different characteristics will become more common due to natural selection.
Natural Selection The process whereby organisms better adapted to their environment tend to survive and produce more offspring.
Extinction The process of species becoming non existences
Reasons For Species becoming extinct 1.ENVIRONMENT changes too quickly. 2.New predators 3.New disease 4.Food 5.Geological events 6.Specification
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