Social Studies Project


This helps you study for you 8th grade final at the end of the year.
Quinton Hall
Flashcards by Quinton Hall, updated more than 1 year ago
Quinton Hall
Created by Quinton Hall over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Admendment A change in an official document.
Assimilate Take in information, idea, or culture and understand fully.
Bias Unreasonably hostile feelings or opinion about a social group.
Bicameral The Great Compromise - created a bicameral legislature.
Blockade To prevent supplies from entering or leaving a port.
Boomtown A town that has grown very rapidly as a result of sudden prosperity.
Capitalism An economic system based on private property and free enterprise.
Captain of Industry Ingenious and industrious leaders who transformed the American economy with their business skills.
Checks and Balances The three branches of government have roles that check or limit the others so that no single branch can dominate the government or have too much power.
Congress Makes the law and approves the Law.
Due Process Of Law The same rules apply to everyone being told what you are accused of and the same and fair treatment in the court system.
Economics The science that deals with the production distribution and consumption of goods and services or the material welfare of humankind.
Emancipate To free from bondage.
Enfranchise give the right to vote. Blacks Codes and literary tests took enfranchisement away from blacks.
Emumerated To mention separately as if in counting; name one by one; specify.
Federalism Power is divided between national and states government.
Forty-Niners A person, especially a prospector, who went to California in 1849 during the gold rush.
Free Enterprise An economic system in which commercial compete for profit with little states control.
Habeus Corpus The Legal procedure that keeps the government from holding you indefinitely without showing cause.
Industry Using factories to turn raw material into finished goods.
Judicial Pertaining to judgment in courts of justice or to the administration of justice.
Ku Klux Klan A secret society organized in the south after the civil war to reassert white supremacy by means of terrorism.
Manifest Destiny Belief that the United States should expand its territory from the east coast to the west coast.
Martyr Someone who dies because of religious beliefs
Monopoly Exclusive control of a product or service in a particular market, or a control that makes possible the manipulation of prices.
Nomadic A group of people or tribe that has no permanent home but moves about from place to place.
Override To reject or change the original decision.
Popular Sovereignty Kansas and Nebraska could vote whether to be free or slaves states.
Ratify Approve formally
Radical Having extreme political or social views that are not shared by most people.
Republicanism People elect their political representatives.
Robber Baron Cruel and ruthless businessmen who would stop at nothing to achieve great wealth.
Rural In the Country during the Industrial Revolution shifted from rural to urban.
Separation of Power Each of the three branches of government has its own responsibilities.
Social Darwinism The stronger people survive; those who are rich and more fit than the poor, attempt to use science to explain social Darwinism.
Suffrage The right to vote in political election.
Supreme Court Judicial Branch - interprets the laws and makes sure they follow the constitution.
Tariff The duties customs or taxes imposed by a government on imports or exports.
Taxation without representation A phrase that reflects the resentment of American colonists at being taxes by a british parliament to which they elect no representatives and became an anti-British slogan before the American Revolution.
Trade union A labor union of craftspeople or workers in related crafts, as distinguished from general workers or a union including all workers in an industry.
Urban Relating to the city
Veto To over turn and reject.
Andrew Jackson A common man who worked for everything he had.
Thomas Jefferson Was an incredible man. He is famous for writing the Declaration of Independence and for being the third president.
Sacagawea Helped Lewis and Clark expedition in many ways. She helped get food from the land. She helped navigate.
James K. Polk Mr. Manifest Destiny, obtained the most land for the united states.
Frederick Douglass Escaped Slave turned Ortor, spoke about freedom and equal rights for African Americans.
Harriet Beecher Stowe Wrote Uncle Toms Cabin. Sold 2 million copies in 2 years.
John Brown Wanted to arm the slaves so they could fight for their freedom. Organized a raid on Harpers Ferry, Virginia armory.
Robert E. Lee Commander of Confederate Army during the civil war. Graduated from West Point.
Andrew Johnson LIncolns Vice President who became President after Lincolns Assassination and know as the veto president because he wanted to make it easy on the south and was hard on the blacks.
Susan B. Anthony Fought for woman rights act and was an american social reformer and feminist who played a pivotal role in the woman suffrage movement.
Sitting Bull Lakota Indian Chief during the battle of little big horn. Chief during the Indian removal act.
George Custer An american military commander and brevet general who in 1876 led 210 men into battle at Little BigHorn against Native Americans.
Cornelius Vanderbelt Started a ferry business. Became rich off the gold rush. Worked hard for his money.
Andrew Rockefeller Bought into the oil industry.Created the company called Standard oil.
Andrew Carnegie Steel monopoly. Made steel cheaply and quickly. Bought out factoories to build his own steel company.
Jamestown First permanent English settlement. 1607 in Virginia and had good soil for growing tobacco; established government.
Plymouth Founded by religious dissident so came over for God in 1620 plymouth did not have fertile soil.
Lexington and Concord The British troops arrived at lexington looking for weapons. These were the first British casualties of the war.
Erie Canal Canals are manmade waterway constructed all over the Northeast to get goods west and east
The Alamo Santa Anna was the Mexico's President and he took an army to San Antonio to take a fort called the Alamo
Harper's Ferry John Brown was an abolitionist and he organized a raid on Harper's Ferry, Virginia armony, he wanted to arm the slaves so that they could fight for there freedom.
Fort Sumter First battle of the civil war. Confederates took control of the fort.
Gettysburg The North won the battle. This was the only major battle in a northern states. Its well know because of the turning point it had on the war's.
Appomattox Courthouse Where the war ended , in Virginia. Lee surrender because his army was down, he was surrounded by union troops and outnumbered.
Ford's Theatre Five days after Lee surrender, Lincoln was assassinated. John Booth killed Lincoln.
Promontory Point, Utah The site of the dramatic completion, on 10 May 1869, of the first transcontinental railroad, which linked the union pacific on the east and the central pacific on the west.
Ellis Island and Angel Island Ellis is an island in the harbor of New York City. Angel island s from the Chinese immigrants were detained and interrogated at angel island.
Declaration of Independence The public act by which the second Continental Congress, on July 4, 1776, declared the colonies to be free and independent of England.
Revolutionary War Also know as the American Revolutionary War and the U.S. War of Independence.
Articles of Confederation The original constitution of the 13 American States, adopted in 1781, which was replaced by the US constitution in 1789.
The Great Compromise Created a bicameral legislature.
Passing the Constitution Anti-Federalists opposed the new constitution wanted a bill of right. Congress started a bill of rights in exchanged.
Adding the Bill of Rights The bill of rights is a list on government power. Madison then a member of the U.S. House of Representative, went thought the constitution itself.
Louisiana Purchase With the Louisiana Purchased in 1803, the united states purchased approximately 828,000,000 square miles of the territory from France for 4 cents an acre.
Missouri Compromise Was worked out with the following provisions to keep the peace and balance with slaves and free states.
Indian Removal Act At the beginning of the 1830s, nearly 125,000 native americans lives on millions of acres of the land in Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama and Florida
Mexican American War Marked the first U.S. armed conflict fought on foreign soil. It pitted a politically divided and militarily unprepared Mexico against the expansionist.
California Gold Rush The discovery of gold nuggets in the Sacramento Valley in early1848.
Homestead Act Signed into law in May 1862, the Homestead act opened up settlement in the western United states, allowing any American, to put in a claim for up to 160 free acres.
Industrial Revolution From the 18t to 19th centuries, a period which predominantly agrarian, rural societies in America became industrial and urban.
Underground Railroads Harriet Tubman used this system to help slaves escape from the south.
Compromise of 1850 California admitted as a free state. Territory of new mexico admitted as slave state.
Kansas-Nebraska Act Kansas and Nebraska could vote whether to be free or slave states.
Dred Scott vs Stanford Dred Scott was a slave who had moved to a free state with his master. When the master died, dred thought he should be free because he lived on free soil.
Fugitive Slave Act Forced the returned of a runaway slaves.
Bleeding Kansas The term used to describe the period of violence during the settling of the Kansas territory.
Civil War America's bloodiest clash, the sectional of the civil war pitted the Union against the Confederate states of America and resulted in the death of more than 620,000 with millions more injured
Emancipation Proclamation 1863 signed by Lincoln and freed the slaves in the states that had seceded.
Civil War Draft Riots On March 1863, the union any male 20-45 must register for the war-many in the union are thinking about giving up and the draft riots were very unpleasant.
Gettysburg Address November, 1863 it was half time in the war- many in the Union are thinking about giving up and the draft riots were very unpleasant.
Reconstruction Long before the Union victory in 1865, Congress prepared for the many challenges the nation would face at war end, particularly the integration of four million newly emancipated African Americans into the Political life of the nation.
Civil War Admendments The period after the civil war, lasting from 1865-1877, when the federal government took action to rebuild the south .
Transcontinental Railroad completed in 1869 when the two tracts became connected in Utah and the worls grew smaller. The rails carried more white people and goods.
Indian War The conflict had exacted a heavy toll among noncombatants. Whites had been particularl effective in exploiting tribal rivalries.
Gilded Age The thirty years following the end of the civil war is often referred to as the Gilded Age. It refers to a superficial period of intense economic growth.
Populist Party As with most third party movements in the history of the U.S. the part was short lived.
Plessy v Ferguson This 1896 U.S. Supreme court case the constitutionality of segregation under the separate but equal doctrine.
Seneca Falls Convention When everyone gets together and just talks and try's to figure out things .
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