

MICR222 Flashcards on Two, created by ruby.white94 on 13/10/2013.
Flashcards by ruby.white94, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ruby.white94 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Autecology Study of a single organims or population
Synecology Interactions between populations
Competition The driving force of communities competition for a resource
Cooperation One population creates gradients and niches for the other
Gradients Can be metabolic side effects e.g. lactose fermentor pH changes or metabolite themselves e.g. bacteriocins
r Strategist Rapid growth Consumption and reproduction
K strategist Slow growers, optimal utilization conservation of energy
Founding effect The first organism that founds an environment will be random but will determine how the community turns out
Community succession The more a community builds the more niches open up and the more diversity accumulates
Parasitism One member harmed on member benefits
Mutualistism Both members benefit
Commensalism One species benefits and the other is not harmed nor helped
Social cheaters Organisms which benefit from other mutualistic realtionships without contributing
Richness Number of different species
Diversity Number of different species and their abundance
Eveness How even a community is in terms of abundance
Insurance policy Having two organisms that can fill the same niche so if one is wiped out you have the other
What can insects do to fungi? Farm it, can change the morphology of the species
Mycangium A structure of the ambrosia beetle that carries fungus
What do ambrosia beetles do with this fungus? Inoculate wood with it and use it as a food source
Where do leaf cutter insects get N2 from? N2 fixing symbionts
What bacteria are associated with leaf cutter nitrogen symbionts? Klebsiella, azospirillum Plantoea
How does the termite get it's food NOTES
What do spirochaetes do? Fix nitrogen for termites
What type of bacteria is wolbachia Gram -ve
What does wolbachia do and what percent of insects are infected? Forms intracellular inherited infections 20-75%
What three things does Wolbachia cause and explain Feminization parthenogenesis cytoplasmic compatability
How does V.fischeri know when to be biolumenescent? When autoinducer is below a certain threshold it won't When above a certain threshold it will, controlled by cell numbers
Explain the bobtail squid and V.fischeri mutualism notes
How many V.fischeri per ml >100
Why are estuaries so productive? Because of mixing greater gradients and more niches nutrients coming in from river shallow and warm and light
pH of the ocean 8.3-8.5
What percent of the ocean is water? 96.5%
What percent of the ocean is components and what percent of that is Na and Cl? 3.5% 55% Na 27%Cl
In terms of nutrients what is the ocean? Oligotrophic
Why are there regions of near zero oxygen concentrated around the tropic? Excess of nutrients, shallow and warm increase in microbial growth depletion of oxygen due to microbial consumption DEAD ZONES
What are the layers of the ocean from top to bottom? Epipelagic Mesopelagic Bathypelagic Abysalpelagic
How deep can blue light penetrate the ocean? 200m
What is the thermocline current and what does it do? A current that cycles water around the world through the levels of the ocean, causing heat transfer and nutrient mixing
How deep does epipelagic go? 200m
How deep does mesopelagic layer go? 1000m
How deep does the abysalpelagic layer go? 4000m
DOM Dissolved organic molecules Synthesised by primary producers
What is the fate of DOM? Respired into CO2 by bacteria
What is DOMs role? Part of C cylcing influences air-sea CO2 exchange and C storing Photosynthesis relies on it to make energy for ocean food chain
Rhodopsins NOTES
Marine Snow Aggregation of organic matter and organisms that form sinking particles
What is the role of marine snow? Transport oxygen, nitrogen and carbon into the ocean interior Hydrolytic enzymes of the bacteria turn aggregates into DOM forms plumes in the ocean od life and death
Geoengineering Deliberate large scale intervention in the earth climatic system with the aim of reducing global warming
Pros and Cons of Geoengineering Notes
What is Lichen Fungi and cyanobacteria or algae Mutualistic relationship
Crustose lichens Adhere to substrate
Foliose lichens Adhere to substrate loosely and leafy
Fructicose lichen Hallow upright stalks
Gravel 2mm to 75mm
Sand 0.05mm to 2mm
slit 0.002 to 0.05
clay <0.002mm
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