

:) mi trabajo
Sof�a Garc�a Guti�rrez
Flashcards by Sof�a Garc�a Guti�rrez, updated more than 1 year ago
Sof�a Garc�a Guti�rrez
Created by Sof�a Garc�a Guti�rrez over 3 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
1.What is a arqueduct? Canal for irrigation
2.What is a torch? Fixed brazier that contains a flame for illumination
3.Charles III, what do I govern? Governed the spanish empire from 1759 to 1788
4.Who represented the autonomist position in new sapin? Francisco Primo de Verdad
5.In what year? 1808
6.What is a sovereign? The person or body that bears the supreme authority of a nation
7.What is a déficit? Lack or shortage of something
8.Mention a characteristic of the new spain: Great distinctions in social stratification
9.What was the activities of whites and mestizos? Street vending was a common activity
10.What is secularization? The transfer of goods or ecclesiastical fuctions to individual or the state
11.What services the stablished when the pupulation growths? The Admistration, cultural and hospitals
12.What kind of constructions they made? Monuments, squares, gardens, churches, universities, convents, etc.
13.What kind of activities make the nescesite of new cities? The agriculture, mining and trade
14.In whinch century iniciated the boom of the public contrctions? In 17th century
15.In which year new spain had an important demographic change? Between 18-19 century
16.Guanajuato was made for the mining? Yes
17.In which year were created the caminos reales? 17th
18.Were to were was the bajío route? From el bajío to zacatecas
19.Which was the most powerful entity in the new spain? The church
20.In which reign the church take a lot of power?I In the reign of Philip 3
21.Which ore was the most important in the new spain? The silver
22.In which year the ores take a lot of values? In 1805
23.In which century the bajio was recognized in the bread basket? In 9 centuty
24.How many ranches? 416
25.Which percent of Guanajuato was indigenous people? 60%
26.The evolution of latam cities in those time were quickly or slow? Quickly
27.The mining boosted the productivity? Yes
28.In which ragion? In the bajio
29.In which cities? Zacatecas, ags, san luis,etc
30.The econimic boom made misery? Yes
31.In which sector of peolple? In the indigenous
32.What kind of activities went with the industrial development? Textile mills
33.It became important? Yes
34.What kind of machines they used? By anima traction and with hidraulic system
35.What things included the burbon reforms? Centralization, supervisión of collection and taxes
36.Which was the idea? Correct the fidcal leaks
37.Why? Because they generated corruption
38.Which King made reforms in the education? Charles 3
39.What made that the church power were limited? The fuction of bishop
40.He created new taxes? Yes
41.Why? Because the royalty was monopoling the tobacco leaves
42.In which sector it have consecuences? In the poor sector
43.There were more afected people? Yes
44.Which more? Farmers,manufactures,merchants and artisans
45.What is a nave? The main body of a church :)
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