EdExcel GCSE - Chemistry - Topic 8 - Part I - The Atmosphere and Earth Science


GCSE Chemistry Flashcards on EdExcel GCSE - Chemistry - Topic 8 - Part I - The Atmosphere and Earth Science, created by Malachy Moran-Tun on 14/03/2021.
Malachy Moran-Tun
Flashcards by Malachy Moran-Tun, updated more than 1 year ago
Malachy Moran-Tun
Created by Malachy Moran-Tun about 3 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What was the Early Atmosphere Comprised of and How? > Little to No O₂ > Large Amount of CO₂ > Water Vapour (H₂O) > Small Amounts of Other Gases (Methane / Ammonia) > Made from Volcanic Activity
How were the Oceans Formed? The Water Vapour from the Early Atmosphere's Volcanic Activity Condensed to form Oceans
What 3 Ways are Theorised to be Responsible for the Reduction of CO₂ in the Atmosphere? 1. CO₂ Dissolved into Oceans, some of which Remains Today 2. Algæ and Plants in the Sea Absorbed CO₂ → They Decayed into Fossil Fuels 3. CO₂ Used to Create Shells of Marine Organisms → Organisms Die → Remains Decay but Shells Remain → Sedimentary Rocks
How was Nitrogen Gas (N₂) introduced into the Atmosphere? > Formed by Ammonia Reacting with Oxygen > Released by Denitrifying Bacteria
How was Oxygen (O₂) introduced into the Atmosphere? > Green Plants Evolved > Through Photosynthesis, CO₂ → O₂
What did the Build Up of Oxygen Allow for? > Ozone Layer (O₃) > Blocked Harmful Rays from the Sun > Enabled Complex Organisms to Evolve
What is Today's Atmosphere Primarily made up of? > 78% Nitrogen (N₂) > 21% Oxygen (O₂) > <1% CO₂, H₂O, Noble Gases etc.
What is the Chemical Test for Oxygen? Gas Relights a Glowing Splint
What is the Greenhouse Effect? > Greenhouse gases absorb heat energy > Heat energy is from the Sun > Earth absorbs a lot of the heat energy > The Greenhouse gases re-emit the heat energy that is radiated back from the Earth > This heats up the Earth's surface
How are Historic CO₂ Levels Found? > Antarctic ice contains small pockets of air > Cannot be used to asses global change since they are from one place only > Not as accurate and subject to natural error
Where were the Earliest Temperatures Recorded? Central England
What is Global Warming? The increased temperature from increased CO₂ levels
What is Climate Change? The change in weather patterns from the increase in temperature
What are some Examples of Fossil Fuel Usage? > Burning Fossil Fuels in Power Stations to Produce Electricity > Burning Fossil Fuels to Heat Homes > Burning Petrol / Diesel in Cars
What is Methane and how is it Naturally Produced (mainly)? > Powerful greenhouse gas > Produced by the bacteria in livestock's stomachs
What are the Effects of Climate Change? > Increased sea levels - coastal flooding > Changing weather patterns - more storms > Changing temperature and rainfall patterns > Animals moving to different areas > Coral bleaching
What are some ways Climate Change can be Mitigated? > Reducing the amount of greenhouse gases we add to the atmosphere > Removing CO₂ from the atmosphere > Helping people cope with weather changes (what a bad excuse for climate change amirite)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xuCn8ux2gbs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xuCn8ux2gbs
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