sinonimos y antonimos ingles


borquez muños 1103
daniel felipe bohorquez muñoz
Flashcards by daniel felipe bohorquez muñoz, updated more than 1 year ago
daniel felipe bohorquez muñoz
Created by daniel felipe bohorquez muñoz over 3 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
angry/ mad happy /angry enfadado / enojadafeliz / enfadado
obese / fat skinny / obese obeso /gordo flaco / obeso
Dark / black white / dark oscuro / negro blanco/oscuro
cheap / inexpensive expensive/ cheap barato / económico caro/ barato
battle / combat peace / battle batalla / combate paz/ batalla
nice / beautiful ugly / nice bonito / hermoso feo / binito
warm / hot cold / warm cálido ​/ caliente frío / calido
complete / integer incomplete / complete completo / integro incompleto / completo
insane / crazy sane / insane demente / loco cuerdo / demente
big / huge small / dig grande / enorme pequeño / grande
easy / simple difficult / easy fácil / sencillo difícil / facil
intelligence wisdom stupidity intelligence inteligencia sabiduría estupidez inteligencia
marriage / wedding divorce / marriage matrimonio / boda divorcio matrimonio
possible / feasible / impossible / possible posible / factible / imposible/ posible
triumph / victory / defeat / triumph triunfo / victoria derrota / trinfo
Thanks for your attention
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