

What I want for my future
Grace  Espinoza
Flashcards by Grace Espinoza, updated more than 1 year ago
Grace  Espinoza
Created by Grace Espinoza over 3 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What I like? Hello, my name is Grace Espinoza,I am fifteen years old, my favorite color is purple, I like sports a lot, one of them football, I like to interact witch my friends and meet new people , I am a fan of spirits, I like to keep order of my things , I always try to be happy.
What I do not like ? I do not like to depend on anyone , I do not like the disorder, I don't like living whith negative people, I don't like doing nothing for a long tome.
What I want for my futuro ?‍?? For my future I see myself as a profesional, I want to improve myself , Although it will be a bit difficult for me, but in the future I see myself speaking English, with a good job ,and with my own Home.
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