LX0-103 -ALL


Linux+ Linux+ LX0-103 Flashcards on LX0-103 -ALL, created by matt_b_uwe on 03/08/2015.
Flashcards by matt_b_uwe, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by matt_b_uwe about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Change Logged in User's Password passwd
Add a user useradd <username>
Change the password for JoeB passwd JoeB
Delete user JoeB leaving their home directory intact userdel JoeB
Delete user JoeB and remove their home directory userdel -r JoeB
Vi: keystroke to edit/insert i
vi: exit saving changes :wq / :wq!
vi: exit without saving changes :q!
vi: undo an edit u
vi: save file without closing :w / :w!
nano: delete whole line ctrl + k
nano: exit and save or don't save changes ctrl + x and select option
What information does /etc/passwd contain bash shell home directory user id user group id username
What file contains information about sudo privileges for users /etc/sudoers
how do you edit the sudoers file visudo
how is it best to assign sudo privileges to a user? add them to a permission group specified in the sudoers file or create a group and add to sudoers
what can be added to the end of sudoers group declaration to bypass need for password to be entered for sudo? :NOPASSWD:ALL
add existing user JoeB to the group "Wheel" usermod -G wheel JoeB
What config file determines the default useradd parameters /etc/default/useradd
create a directory "MyDirectory" mkdir MyDirectory
how to view the man page for a command man <command>
what are dot files? They are hidden configuration files
how can you list dot files in a directory? ls -a
how to view the last 10 lines of a file tail <filename>
how to view the first 10 lines of a file head <filename>
rename file "file" to "file1" mv file file1
move up 1 level in the directory tree cd ..
who to get to current user's home directory cd cd /home/<username> cd ~<username>
how to recursively remove a directory? rm -r <dir> rm -rf <dir> (if content)
what files are present in /etc configuration files e.g. bind, ssh, cron etc
what files are present in /var files that frequently change e.g. log files, library files
How do you redirect output into a file? > e.g. cat blah.txt > output.txt
What does less do? Allows navigation of a file
less: move down the file one line down arrow e
less: move up the file one line up arrow y
less: move down file one window f (forward)
less: move up the file one window b (back)
less: go to specific line e.g. line 20 type in the line number then shift-g
less: search for occurence of word top to bottom /<word>
less: next occurence of word bottom to top ?<word>
less: when searching for pattern (/ or ?) go to next match n (next)
what does cron do? allows user to schedule a task
cron: where are user cron files stored? /var/spool/cron
cron: how to edit your (user) crontab? crontab -e
cron: how to edit the system cron? Edit /etc/crontab (runs as root)
What is YUM? A RHEL RPM package manager
Yum: search for a package yum search <package name>
Yum: install a package yum install <package name>
Yum: download and install system updates yum update
What is apt-get? A Debian dkpg package manager
What difference is there between the way YUM and apt-get operate? apt-get caches repository info on the machine. Everytime you update or search via YUM it goes online to search
apt-get: update the apt-get repo cache apt-get update
apt-get: search for a package (sudo) apt-cache search <package name>
apt-get: install a package (sudo) apt-get install <package name>
apt-get: download and update system packages apt-get upgrade
top: sort by memory utilisation shift-m
top: sort by cpu utilisation shift-p
top: what do the load averages represent? 1min, 5min and 15 min load averages e.g. utilisation of cpu(s) over periods single core: 1.00 is 100% dual core: 2.00 is 100% etc
top: what is the NI column shows nice values for processess from -20 (highest priority) through 0 (default) to 20 (lowest priority)
top: renice a process r enter the PID enter nice value
top: kill a process k enter PID enter sigterm: 15 (quit) or 9 (force quit)
check if locate installed which locate if not installed use apt-get or yum to install
update locate database locatedb (as su)
find: search current directory for filename blah.txt find . -name 'blah.txt'
find search whole system for filenames starting blah find / -name 'blah*'
apt-get: where would you place a third party repository source /etc/apt/sources.list
apt-get: how would you clear temporary source files data from the repository apt-get clean
apt-get: how would you clear temporary repository source files for applications no longer available in the source repository? apt-get autoclean
apt-get: how would you determine dependencies required for a package? -s flag (simulate) e.g. apt-get install -s apache2 or apt-cache depends apache2
apt-get: which flag would you use to install a package without user prompting? -y (yes) e.g. apt-get install -y apache2
apt-get: what flag would omit progress information for an install -q (quiet) e.g. apt-get install -q apache2
apt-get: how would you download the source files for a package? apt-get source <package>
apt-get: what is the difference between apt-get upgrade & apt-get dist-upgrade upgrade installs newest version of installed packages, without removing anything or retrieving new packages. upgrades are ignored if status of another package needs to be changed. upgrade-dist handles changed dependencies.
apt-get: how would you update all packages including those such as the kernel that require changes to dependencies? apt get dist-upgrade
apt-get: how do you view information about the repository cache such as the number of packages available? apt-cache stats
apt-get: how do you get a list of all package names, e.g. for grepping and searching? apt-cache pkgnames
how would you count the number of lines in stdout? wc -l (wordcount)
apt-get: how do you display unmet dependencies in a repository cache? apt-cache unmet
How would you display the kernel version of current box? cat /proc/version or uname -a
what is dpkg? dpkg is the software that handles .deb package installation, removal etc
dpkg: how would you install a .deb package? dpkg -i <packagename>
dpkg: how would you install dependencies for a .deb package? try installing the package with dpkg -i when the install fails with dependences run: apt-get update apt-get -f upgrade run dpkg -i again to install package
apt-get: what does the -f flag do? -f = fix it attempts fix broken dependencies i.e. where dpkg -i has failed
dpkg: List installed packages dpkg --get-selections
dpkg: show all files installed with a package dpkg -L <package name>
dpkg: how would you run a package post-configuration file again dpkg-reconfigure <package>
dpkg: remove a package leaving configuration files dpkg --remove <package>
dpkg: remove a package including all configuration files dpkg --purge <package>
apt-get: what is aptitude? it is an interface for apt-get that provides a GUI interface on the commandline
what is dselect? another interface for apt-get
what is RPM Redhat Package Manager, compiles, installs removes software packages for RHEL based distributions
RPM: install a package rpm -i <packagename>
RPM: remove a package rpm -e <packagename>
RPM: what flags show verbose information during an install -hv (hashes - shows progess bar verbose - displays more info)
RPM: display information about an installed package rpm -q <package name>
RPM: display detailed information about an installed package rpm -qi <packagename>
RPM: show all files installed with a package rpm -q --list <packagename>
RPM: how would you determine dependencies required for a package? rpm -qR <packagename> (-q - query -R - requirements)
RPM: What does the -U flag do Upgrade e.g. rpm -Uvh nano.rpm would install the rpm and remove the old version
RPM: what does the -F flag do? Freshen e.g. rpm -Fvh nano.rpm would only update the package if an existing version of it already exists on the system
RPM: update the rpm database rpm --rebuilddb
RPM: where is the rpm config file /usr/lib/rpm/rpmrc
YUM: where is the yum config file /etc/yum.conf
YUM: where would you add a repository to yum? /etc/yum.repos.d
YUM: update a specific package yum check-updates <packagename>
YUM: what is the difference between update and upgrade? upgrade is the same as update but has the --obsoletes flag set. Better for kernel updates
YUM: remove a package yum remove httpd.i686
YUM: display information about a package on the repo yum list <packagename>
YUM: display information about installed package yum info <packagename>
YUM: show dependencies for an installed package yum deplist <packagename>
YUM: what flag would force a package installation? --force
YUM: clean repository, install files etc yum clean all
what is yumdownloader? a tool that downloads source RPM packages from yum repositories
how would you download a source rpm file and all of its dependencies? yumdownloader --resolve <packagename>
what is rpm2cpio converts an rpm file to a cpio archive
How would you extract an RPM to an archive rpm2cpio <package> > blah.cpio
list the files in a cpio archive cpio -t blah.cpio
vi: What are the 3 modes of vi? command mode ex mode (:) insert mode
vi: Move left and right 1 character left: h right: l
vi: move up and down 1 character up: k down: j
vi: move to last line of the screen shift+l
vi: move to the first line of the screen shift+h
vi: move to the last line of the file shift+g
vi: move to a line number type the line number then shift+g (or gg)
vi: copy a line yy (yank)
vi: paste copied text shift+p (line before cursor) p (line after cursor)
vi: undo a change u
vi: copy a number of lines type number of lines to copy then yy
vi: search for a pattern /
vi: delete a number of lines type number followed by dd
vi: replace word cursor is on cw
vi: replace line cursor is on cc
vi: replace text rather than insert shift+r
vi: search and replace first occurence :%s/pattern/replacement
vi: search and replace every occurence :%s/pattern/replacement/g
vi: import content of a file into current file :r /path/to/file
vi: execute a shell command in vi :!<command>
what does 'split -l 2 filename' do? splits filename into two files, using line 2 as the point to split
What are Linux streams? stdin (input from cmd line) stdout (output displayed in terminal) stderr (error messages)
redirect output to a file e.g. ls /etc > file
append output to a file e.g. ls /etc >> file
redirect stderr to a file <command> 2> file
redirect stdout to a file and stderr to another file <command> > file 2> errorfile
redirect stderr and stdout to a single file <command> >file 2>&1
what does the "noclobber" option mean prevents redirect overwriting a file that already exists
how do you turn on noclobber? set -o noclobber
grep: how to count matches -c flag
grep: case insensitive search -i flag
grep: use a file to input search pattern -f <filename>
grep: search a directory for a pattern in files grep -r <pattern> /dir
grep: search directory for pattern in filename grep -rl <pattern> /dir
grep: what is egrep? allows extended regexp using | . * etc
grep: search for a pat1 or pat2 egrep 'pat1|pat2' <source>
grep: how to return lines not matched -v
grep: what is fgrep same as grep -F literal string match, doesn't interpret regex
What does the cut command do? outputs parts of lines from source, determined by deliminators
how would you output the first field of a line, where the data is separated by colons cut -f1 -d: <file>
sed: what does sed do? It is a stream editor, searching and modifying output
sed: find and replace sed 's/pattern/replacement/' <source>
sed: find and output match to file sed '/pattern/w output.txt' <source>
sed: prevent standard output sed <command> >/dev/null
what does the tee command do? redirects output to stdout and file(s) simultaneously
how would you append output from tee to a file -a flag
What is the FHS filesystem hierarchy standard
what does /sys contain? a virtual filesystem that represents the currently running kernel/system
what does /proc contain? a virtual filesystem containing information about currently running processes
what does /dev contain device files
what do /dev/urandom and /dev/random do? return random bytes based on system noise
what does lsmod do? lists installed modules from /proc/modules
what does lspci do? lists pci devices
how would you search for a pci device by slot number lspci -s <slot number>
what does lsusb do? lists installed usb devices on the system
how would you view usb devices as a tree diagram lsusb -t
what is modprobe? adds and removes modules from the kernel. Older systems (pre centos7) had the -l option to list modules - deprecated in favour of lsmod
how would you remove a module? modprobe -r <module>
how would you add a module? modprobe <module>
what does insmod do? it is an older legacy program that inserts modules into the kernel - requires full path to module file
Grub2: Where is the grub configuration file? /etc/default/grub
Grub2: what command would you run after updating the grub conf? update-grub
Grub2: where are the menu options defined? /etc/grub.d
Grub2: how would you add a new menu option? Copy an existing entry file and change the number to fit in desired location run update-grub to pull in changes
What file specifies the filesystems mounted at boot? /etc/fstab
How do you list the UUID's for devices blkid
What is a cold-plug device? something that had to be connected/disconnected with power off to prevent system or item damage e.g. cpu, memory, hard-drive etc. Has entry existing in the /dev/ dir
What is a hot-plug device? One that can be connected/disconnected any time and has built in support or loaded module to function. Entry is created in /dev directory when connected
what information does /proc/mounts contain? details of mounted filesystems
what virtual filesystem could you cat to get cpu info? /proc/cpuinfo
What virtual filesystem might you look in to determine system hardware resources? /proc
what does /bin contain? essential system binaries required for single user mode e.g. ls, cp etc
what does /lib contain libraries/shared libraries used by system functions
what does /opt contain optional application packages you've installed
what does /sbin contain? essential system binaries e.g. shutdown, init, fsck,iptables etc
What does /usr contain? "User userble programs and data"
What methods can you use to find boot information? look in /var/log/messages run dmesg
What is the boot sequence? System Start (BIOS) Stage 1 Bootloader (MBR - where is loader) Stage 2 - Bootloader (Grub) Kernel (Linux) Init (start user space)
Grub: how would you edit the kernel line parameters? highlight the kernel option and press e
What do init and telinit do? Effectively same command, allow you to change runlevel e.g. telinit 1
Cron: What does the cron.deny file do It prevents users listed in the file from using the cron scheduling system
Cron: what does cron.allow do? If the file exists, it denies all users access to cron unless they are named in the file explicitly
Cron: do cron.allow and cron.deny need to exist? No, but if you wish to use them, only one of the other can exist - not both
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