Capítulo 9 Vocabulario


Flashcards on Capítulo 9 Vocabulario, created by jfg35 on 30/10/2013.
Flashcards by jfg35, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by jfg35 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
el aniversario anniversary
la boda wedding
el cumpleaños birthday
el día de fiesta holiday
la fiesta party
el/la invitado/a guest
la Navidad Christmas
la quinceañera 15th birthday/girl who has turned 15
la sorpresa surprise
brindar to toast
celebrar to celebrate
divertirse to have fun
invitar to invite
pasarlo bien/mal to have a good/bad time
regalar to give (a gift)
reírse to laugh
relajarse to relax
sonreír to smile
sorprender to surprise
la botella (de vino) bottle (of wine)
el champán champagne
los dulces sweets; candy
el flan (de caramelo) baked custard
la amistad friendship
el amor love
el divorcio divorce
el estado civil marital status
el matrimonio marriage
la pareja couple; partner
el/la recién casado/a newlywed
casarse (con) to get married (to)
comprometerse (con) to get engaged (to)
divorciarse (de) to get divorced (from)
enamorarse (de) to fall in love (with)
llevarse bien/mal (con) to get along well/badly (with)
odiar to hate
romper (con) to break up (with)
salir (con) to go out (with) to date
separarse (de) to separate (from)
tener una cita to have a date; to have an appointment
casado/a married
divorciado/a divorced
juntos/as together
separado/a separated
soltero/a single
viudo/a widower/widow
la adolescencia adolescence
la edad age
las etapas de la vida stages of life
la juventud youth
la madurez maturity; middle age
la muerte death
el nacimiento birth
la niñez childhood
la vejez old age
graduarse (de/en) to graduate (from/in)
jubilarse to retire (from work)
nacer to be born
la alegría happiness
el beso kiss
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