use of ING


use of ing
Mario Restrepo
Flashcards by Mario Restrepo, updated more than 1 year ago
Mario Restrepo
Created by Mario Restrepo about 3 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
In times past, was living together one king and one queen, who were saying all days, "Would that we had a child!" and the child wasn`t arriving. But one day was a frog what was jumping and saying "Thy wish shall be fulfilled; before a year has gone by, thou shalt bring a daughter into the world."
And as the frog foretold, so it happened; and the queen bore a daughter, the king and the queen were being very happy and were planning a big party. when was inviting at the peoples, too invited at the fairies, but were having problems because the fairies were 13 and only had 12 golden plates and only could invite 12.
However, the feast was celebrated with all splendour, and how the fairies were arriving, stopped and were gifting spells how present at the beautiful baby
When the eleven fairy was ending him spell, it was listening a voice what said "In the fifteenth year of her age the princess shall prick herself with a spindle and shall fall down dead." Was the fairy what not invited and liked vengance.
The king and queen were crying, but a hope, the last fairy, She could not do away with the evil prophecy, yet she could soften it. so she said: "The princess shall not die, but She was sleeping for a hundred years."
The king was sending burn alls the spinning machines of the kingdom, meanwhile the others spells it were complying, She was growing lovely, modest, sweet, and kind and clever.
In the day how She was fulfilling fifteen years, the king and the queen were going to other kingdom and She would be alone, and She was looking alls the rooms of the castle, how She enter at the last room, She found an old woman spinning on a spinning machine
"Good day, mother," said the princess, "what are you doing?" - "I am spinning," answered the old woman, nodding her head. "What thing is that that twists round so briskly?" asked the maiden, and taking the spindle into her hand she began to spin; but no sooner had she touched it than the evil prophecy was fulfilled, and she pricked her finger with it.
And the princess was losing the consciousness and into in a deep sleep, and this dream it was expanding on all the castle, even kings what were arriving they fell asleep
One hundred years passed, and a great prince arrived and knew the story, the prince was arrived at the castle, at the room of princess, she was wonderfull, an divine woman and she was suffering. The prince was taking she and he kissed, breaking this the evil prophecy
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