
In these flash cards you with get many topics. I think i have covered most of them. There is Abraham, Old Testament, Euphrasie Barbier, somethings about the Easter eggs, seasons of the church.
Chloe De Silva
Flashcards by Chloe De Silva , updated more than 1 year ago
Chloe De Silva
Created by Chloe De Silva about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
When and where was Euphrasie Barbier born? Euphrasie Barbier was born on the 4th of January, 1829, at Caen in the North of France.
When Euphrasie was a young girl what would she declare she would be when she grew up? She declared she would become a missionary.
In 1851 why did she go to London? To learn English to prepare her life to work as a missionary.
In 1851 what was Euphrasie know as? She was known as Sister Marie.
What does RNDM mean? Religious de Notre Dame des Missions
What does the crown symbolize? The crown symbolizes reward and excellence.
What does the Laurel symbolize? The leaves of our crest are symbolic of reward and victory.
What does the shield symbolize? The shield signifies protection.
What does the scroll symbolize? Hence our motto and the name of our college are written on scrolls to emphasize their importance.
What does the letters symbolize? 'Virtue' and 'Knowledge'- excellence in virtue calls us to lead a good life and excellence in knowledge encourages us to develop and use our talents to the fullest.
When is the color red used? Holy Week, Pentecost and Feast of Martyrs.
What is Red the color of and what does it symbolize? Red is the color of blood and it symbolizes Christ's death on the cross. Red also represents fire and is a symbol of the coming of the Holy Spirit.
When is the color purple used? Advent, Lent
Why is purple used and what does it symbolize? Purple is the color of penance and sorrow. It is also a royal color but it reminds us of the robe placed on Jesus by the solders who mocked him.
What is green the color of and what does it symbolize? Green is the color of nature and growth. It is the symbol of hope and life.
When is the color green used? Ordinary Time
When is the color white used? Christmas, Epiphany, Easter and Ascenston
What is white the color of and what does it symbolize? White is the color of life, it reminds us that God is the creator of all things.It also symbolizes Resurrection and Baptism.
What is white used for? White is often used for funerals as a symbol of Resurrection and Baptism.
True or False.... Can gold be used instead of white sometimes? True
What is the meaning of Oral Tradition? Their sacred stories and experiences were passed down by word of mouth from generation to generation.
When did editing begin of the bible? 70AD
When does the editing end? 95AD
When was Jesus born? c 4 BC
When did Jesus die? c 30 AD
Name the seasons of the Church? Advent, Christmas/Epiphany,Lent,Easter and Ordinary Time.
What color is associated with each season? Ordinary Time-Green Christmas/ Epiphany and Easter-White Lent and Advent-Purple
Which is the longest season, which is the shortest? Longest-Ordinary Time Shortest-Christmas
What day marks the end of lent? Holy Thursday
What day marks the begging of Ordinary Time? Pentecost Sunday
What is almsgiving? Caring for the needy and involves giving money or other forms of financial assistance to the poor.
What does the Easter egg symbolize? New Life, but for the Christians it represents new life for Christ.
What is our College motto? Semper seperne nitens, always striving upwards
How long does Advent go for? 4 weeks
How long does Ordinary Time go for? It is the longest season.
How long does Easter go for? Six Sundays
How long does Christmas go for? It is the shortest season
How long does Lent go for? 40 Days
Why did Christians decorate eggs? It was a way of celebrating Christ's Resurrection.
A covenant is.....? A solemn promise that signifies a total commitment of both sides.
Descendants were important in biblical times because: They were a sign of blessing, they support people in their old age and the life of the person continues.
What promises did God make with Abraham? He would protect his people, he would bless his people and his descendants would number as many as the stars in heaven.
What was Abraham's part in the covenant? Abraham's and his descendants must obey God. All males must be circumcised.(God promised to make Abraham the father of a great people and would guide them and protect them and give them the land of Israel).
How did God test Abraham faith in the covenant? By asking him to sacrifice his and Sarah's son Isaac-God asked him to seal it with the blood of his son. After the test God confirmed the covenant with Abraham.
What season marks the beginning of the Liturgical Year? Advent
What 3 days are the Easter Tridum? Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday/Easter Vigil.
Why is it important to renew your baptismal vows at Easter? Its a powerful way of renewing our love towards God.
The 5 first books of the Old Testament?Name the name of the group. Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus,Numbers and Deuteronomy. Pentateuch
Name the synoptic gospels. Mathew, Mark and Luke
What is a promise? To assure someone that one will definitely do something or that something will happen.
What can we learn from Abraham? That god loves us and we can always trust him.
How many books are there in the New Testament? 27 books
What is the first book of the New Testament? Mathew
The first book in the Old Testament? Genesis
How many letters in the Corinthians? 2 letters
What are the 5 books that the New Testament can be divided into? Gospels, Acts of Apostles, Letters of St Paul, Letters and Revaluation.
Explain a Myth. Explain in a profound way the creation of the universe.
Explain what a Narrative is. A story told in a series of gradually unfolding events or experience.
Explain what a Epic is. Stories told on a grand scale often involving a great hero.
What is the Law/Legal Documents? List of instructions and guidance on ways of living that are often very detailed.
What type or writing is 'describes God in evocative and imaginary language'. Poetry
Explain Proverbs. Wise statements which guide us in how to live well and a life pleasing to God.
What type of writing is 'a message to God delivered by a prophet? Prophecy
What is Abraham's son's name? Isaac
What is Abraham's wife's name? Sarah
What are the Gospels? Mathew, Mark, Luke and John
What does 'the Church' mean? A group of baptized Christians.
On the Paschal candle what does the 5 grains represent? The wounds of Jesus.
On the Paschal Candle what is the Alpha and Omega? They are the start and last letters of the Greek alphabet.This symbolizes that God is with us at the start till the end.
What is the Paschal Candle used for? The candle is used for baptisms and funerals it is used for its Resurrection symbol.
What does 'significance mean? The importance that something has but it affect other things.
The death and resurrection of Jesus. 29 or 30
What is the New Testament about? Life, Death and Resurrection of Jesus.
How many letters in the New Testament? 21
What is the feast of the visitation? 31st of May
How old is Sacred Heart? 58 years old
When was our college opened? 1957
What are the styles of writing? Epics Myths Narrative Proverbs Prophecy Poetry Law/ Legal Documents
Season of the Church in order. Advent Christmas Ordinary Time Lent Easter Ordinary Time
What is the Old Testament also known as? Hebrew Scriptures
What is the New Testament known as? Christian Scriptures
What did God want Abraham to do? Sacrifice his only son Isaac
Why did God stop him? Because Abraham proved his love towards God and devotion to him.
What was Hagar's sons name? Ishmael
Where did Abraham and Sarah first live? Ur
Where did they next travel to? Harvan
Where did they end up? Hebron Canaan
How was the bible inspired? God inspired the authors to use there own skills, talents and experiences to reveal the divine plan of salvation.
What does 'Sacred' mean? Worthy or respect or dedication.
Who wrote the Acts of the Apostles? Luke
What does inspired writing mean? The authors of the bible were led or influenced by God when they were writing.
What does divine mean? Related to God.
What does the Palm trees and Olive Branches symbolize? Kingship and power.
What are the 3 days in the Easter Tridium? Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday.
What does lighting the paschal candle mean? Jesus Resurrection.
Identify to parts of the Good Friday Liturgy and explain their importance. 1) The Liturgy starts at 3:00 because Jesus died at that time. 2) At the end of the liturgy , the alter of repose is stripped bare just like Jesus was.
Why is our college named 'Sacred Heart Girls College'? Euphrasie was devoted to the Sacred Heart and now schools who were found by the RNDM's were named Sacred Heart.
Why is the 'Visitation' picture important to the RNDM's? Because Mary went to tell Elizabeth she was pregnant with Jesus and that's what the RNDM's do, they spread the word of God.
What does the fire represent on the picture? Zeal
When Euphrasie made her final vows, she did not... Make her vows on the Feast of the Visitation.
When did Euphrasie pass away? 1893
What message was Jesus giving the disciples by washing there feet? It was an act of serving others, showing that everyone is equal and no one is better then anyone else.
How has this message come towards us today? Treat everyone with respect, help others and don't think that you are better than everyone else.
Euphrasie founded the congregation of Our................................................................ Our Lady of the Missions
The triangle symbolizes our God... Trinitarian
Why did Euphrasie declare that she would become a missionary when she grew up? Because she wanted to travel and raise orphans, she felt she needed God calling up to her.
Give 3 reasons why Euphrasie should be a role model for young girls here at Sacred Heart Girls College? 1)Because she worked hard for something she wanted. 2)She was greatly devoted to God and put God first and everything she did. 3)She was patient, understanding and encouraging towards others.
When did Euphrasie enter into religious life? At the age of 19, 1848
Give 4 reasons why Catholics attend mass. Opportunity to gather as a community, catch up with others and receive support, time of peaceful reflection and mass helps us to pray in a way that is directed and focused.
Covenant and Abraham God promised Abraham the land of Canaan or known as the promise land. Abraham would ave as man descendants as the 'stars in heaven'. God also promised that he would protect his people and reward and bless them.
How important are promises that we make? A promise signifies total commitment of both sides, promises are very important and should not be lied about.
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