Certificate Lactation Counselor Exam


Materials from Module 1A of CLC course
Hillary Pearce
Flashcards by Hillary Pearce, updated more than 1 year ago
Hillary Pearce
Created by Hillary Pearce almost 3 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What three strategies have the WHO and UNICEF set for increasing breastfeeding rates and duration? Breastfeeding Promotion Breastfeeding Protection Breastfeeding Support
What is Breastfeeding Promotion? Focuses on advantages of breastfeeding on a personal (for baby and mom), community, country, or global level (improved health and cost savings).
What is Breastfeeding Protection? Focuses on government, manufacturer, and social responsibility to assure breastfeeding’s ability to compete with commercial interests (vs formula).
What is Breastfeeding Support? Focuses on the interaction of “helpers” with family as well as program development and implementation. (Lactation counselors, care providers, WIC, peer support groups, La Leche League, etc)
Who are considered health professionals in the breastfeeding world? CLCs and IBCLCs are both considered by the CDC to be health professionals who provide lactation support.
When is the fastest drop off for breastfeeding? 10 days following discharge from the hospital (usually due to mother’s problems at 3-7 days).
Why do mothers need help breastfeeding? Reason #1: Unrealistic expectations (lack of preparation for the newborn period) Reason #2: Lack of timely interventions (mother’s problems at 3-7 days posed the greatest risk to stopping) Reason #3: Misunderstanding about why mothers stop (stop at different times for different reasons)
What is the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes (the Code)? An international health policy framework to regulate the marketing of breastmilk substitutes (formula) in order to protect breastfeeding. Published by WHO in 1981 and is a voluntarily agreed international code of practice.
What is the World Breastfeeding Trends Initiative (the WBTi)? Intended to track, assess, and monitor the implementation of the “Global Strategy” at the country and sub-country level.
What is the United States 2018 National Report Card score for the State of Breastfeeding? Overall 10 out of 50 points possible from 5 combined categories. Category 4 & 5 score complete 0. 1 scored 2, 2 scored 5, and 3 scored 3.
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