Protista Practicum


Flashcards on Protista Practicum, created by krucial1987 on 13/09/2015.
Flashcards by krucial1987, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by newsha over 8 years ago
Copied by krucial1987 over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Image: 1 (image/png)
Common name: Parasitic Amoeba D: Eukarya K: N/A P: Amoebozoa C: G: Entamoeba s: histolytica 1. cyst 2. Trophozoite 3. Nucleus 4. Nuclei 5. Inclusions
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Common name: Nonparasitic amoeba D: Eukarya K: Amoebozoa P: Rhizopoda C: G: Amoeba s: proteus 1. Pseudopods 2. Nucleus
Image: 3 (image/png)
Common name: Extracellular blood parasite D: Eukarya P: Excavata P: Euglenozoa C: G: Trypanosoma s: species 1. Kinetoplast 2. RBC 3. Flagella 4. Undulating membrane 5. Nucleus
Image: 4 (image/png)
Common name: Blood parasite D: Eukarya K: Excavata P: Diplomonada C: G: Giardia s: lamblia 1. Cyst 2. Trophozoite 3. Nuclei 4. Flagella 5. Nuclei 6. Axoneme
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Common name: Urogenital Parasite D: Eukarya K: Excavata P: Parabasalida C: G: Trichomonas s: vaginalis 1. Nucleus 2. Flagella
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Common name: Intestinal Parasite D: Eukarya K: Chromalveolata P: Ciliophora C: G: Balantidium s: coli 1. Macronucleus 2. Cilia 3. Cytostome 4. Trophozoite 5. Macronucleus 6. Cyst
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Common name: Intracellular blood parasite D: Eukarya K: Chromalveolata P: Apicomplexa C: G: Plasmodium s: vivax/species 1. Parasite 2. Leukocyte (WBC) 3. Erythrocyte (RBC)
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Common name: Diatoms D: Eukarya K: Chromalveolata P: Bacillariophyta C: N/A G: Diatoms S: species
Common name: Dinoflagellates D: Eukarya K: Chromalveolata P: Dinoflagelleta C: N/A G: Dinoflagellata S:
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