11th Spelling List 5


Words beginning with the prefix -in
Jairo Lobo
Flashcards by Jairo Lobo, updated more than 1 year ago
Jairo Lobo
Created by Jairo Lobo almost 3 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
immutable (adj.) unchangeable
incense (tr. verb) to make very angry to enrage
indicative (adj.) pointing out suggestive
indolent (adj.) avoiding work or exertion habitually idle
infallible (adj.) incapable of erring unfailing
infinitesimal (adj.) tiny; so small that it cannot be measured
infirm (adj.) physically or feeble not strong in character or purpose
innocuous (adj.) not offensive or injurious harmless
insatiate (adj.) never satisfied greedy
inscrutable (adj.) incapable of being searched into and understood unintelligible
intimate (tr. verb) to announce to hint or imply
irrevelant (adj.) not to the purpose does not apply
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