Números cardinales/Cardinal numbers


Descripción de prueba
Tarjetas de inglés
Flashcards by Tarjetas de inglés, updated more than 1 year ago
Tarjetas de inglés
Created by Tarjetas de inglés almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
uno one
dos two
tres three
cuatro four
cinco five
seis six
siete seven
ocho eight
nueve nine
diez ten
once eleven
doce twelve
trece thirteen
catorce fourteen
quince fifteen
dieciseis sixteen
diecisiete seventeen
dieciocho eighteen
diecinueve nineteen
veinte twenty
veintiuno twenty-one
veintidos twenty-two
veintitres twenty-three
treinta thirty
treinta y uno thirty-one
treinta y dos thirty-two
cuarenta forty
cincuenta fifty
sesenta sixty
setenta seventy
ochenta eighty
noventa ninety
cien a (or one) hundred
ciento uno a hundred and one
ciento dos a hundred and two
ciento diez a hundred and ten
ciento ochenta y dos a hundred and eighty-two
trescientos three hundred
cuatrocientos four hundred
quinientos five hundred
seiscientos six hundred
setecientos seven hundred
ochocientos eight hundred
novecientos nine hundred
mil a (or one) thousand
mil uno a thousand and one
mil dos a thousand and two
dos mil two thousand
diez mil ten thousand
cien mil a (or one) hundred thousand
un millón a (or one) million
dos millones two million
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