
Jack Smith
Flashcards by Jack Smith, updated more than 1 year ago
Jack Smith
Created by Jack Smith almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What does the nucleus contain? Protons and Electrons
What are the differences between the three particles (weight and charge) Protons - Heavy and have a positive charge Neutrons - Heavy and neutral (no charge) Electrons are tiny and have a negative charge.
What is the name of the top and bottom number of each element and what does it tell you? Top - MASS NUMBER - Total number of protons and neutrons. Bottom - ATOMIC NUMBER - Number of protons in the atom.
What are Isotopes? They are different atomic forms of the same element, which have the same number of protons but a different number of neutrons.
What is an Ion? A charged particle that is formed when an atom gains of loses and electron.
How did Mendeleev arrange his table of elements? He arranged it in order of increasing atomic mass.
Name the 3 Transition Metals Copper Iron Lead
Name the 3 Alkali Metals. Lithium Sodium Potassium
Name the 4 Halogens. Fluorine Chlorine Bromine Iodine
Name the 6 noble gases. Helium Neon Argon Krypton Xenon Radon
What do all noble gases have in common? They all have a full outer shell of electrons this means they are un reactive.
What is relative atomic mass? Its the weighted average of all the isotopes in a sample.
Give properties of a giant covalent compound Solid at room temperature High Melting/Boiling Points Strong covalent bonds between atoms. Do not conduct electricity (except graphite) Insoluble in water
Give properties of a simple covalent compound Gases and liquids at room temp Low Melting/Boiling Points Weak intermolecular forces between molecules Do not conduct electricity Soluble in water.
Why can graphite conduct electricity? They have weak intermolecular forces between layers allows layers to slide over eachother. It conducts electricity due to spare electrons which are free to move between the layers.
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