Byz Flash cards


Flashcards on Byz Flash cards, created by maria.lopez.18 on 19/10/2015.
Flashcards by maria.lopez.18, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by maria.lopez.18 over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What two places of worship did the Hagia Sophia serve as? A mosque and a Church (Muslim faith and Christian faith)
What made Constantinople a vital center of the Empire? Its strategic location and trade
What led to the eventual destruction of the Byzantine Empire? Venitians convinced the crusaders to attack Constantinople.
What is the Great Schism? A split in the Church between the East and the West over distinct differences in beleif
The Eastern half of the Church we which of the following: Roman Catholic, or Eastern Greek Orthodox Eastern Greek Orthodox
What are Icons? Icons are holy images such as: Jesus, Mary, Saints, etc.
Why were icons banned by an emporer in the 700s? Because some people thought it was wrong to idolize items instead of worshiping God.
What was Justinian's code? Justinian's reform of the law. Was used to unify the empire.
What is an autocrat? A sole ruler with complete authority.
Describe the strength of the Byzantine military Greek fire, and strong defense made them strong.
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