Paging and Segmentation


A level Computer Science (Software & Software Development) Flashcards on Paging and Segmentation, created by Malachy Moran-Tun on 17/11/2022.
Malachy Moran-Tun
Flashcards by Malachy Moran-Tun, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Malachy Moran-Tun
Created by Malachy Moran-Tun almost 2 years ago
Malachy Moran-Tun
Copied by Malachy Moran-Tun almost 2 years ago
Malachy Moran-Tun
Copied by Malachy Moran-Tun almost 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is Paging? > Splits RAM into small, physical sections (4Kb on 64-bit architecture) known as pages > Items in RAM are allocated a set number of pages to run in > Crucially, these items CAN be split across lots of pages that are non-contiguous (not all together) > Addresses of pages are stored in a page table > Each page is managed by a table map to keep track of which page belongs to which item
How does Paging affect Performance? > Performance is not affected by having non-contiguous pages for items in RAM > Unused / inactive pages can be sent to virtual memory to free up pages for other tasks > Using virtual memory can lead to disk thrashing
What is Segmentation? > No physical split, unlike paging > Splits RAM into a logical division of segments with varying lengths > Items in RAM are given enough memory for parts they initially load > The remaining part of the item is kept in storage until needed, but the logical division will need to be made bigger when the rest of the item is loaded
How does Segmentation affect Performance? > Items split across non-contiguous, logical splits severely impact performance > Segmentation can still utilise virtual memory to store unused parts of programs
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