Systems Software


A level Computer Science (Software & Software Development) Flashcards on Systems Software, created by Malachy Moran-Tun on 17/11/2022.
Malachy Moran-Tun
Flashcards by Malachy Moran-Tun, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Malachy Moran-Tun
Created by Malachy Moran-Tun over 1 year ago
Malachy Moran-Tun
Copied by Malachy Moran-Tun over 1 year ago
Malachy Moran-Tun
Copied by Malachy Moran-Tun over 1 year ago

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Question Answer
What is an Operating System? > (Set of) programs that manages the operations of the computer for the user > Bridge between the user and the computer's hardware (since a user cannot directly communicate with hardware)
What Functions does an Operating System Perform? > Bridge between the user (through a CLI or GUI) > Memory management > Interrupt service routines > Processor scheduling > Backing store management > Management of I/O > System security (e.g., administrator and root access)
Where is the OS Stored? > When computer is off: permanent storage, e.g., HDD, SSD > When computer is on: RAM
What happens to the OS when the Computer is Switched On? > Small program, called a loader, is held in ROM > The loader sends instructions to load the OS by copying it from the permanent storage into RAM
Generally, what is Memory Management and the Two Types? > Allocates different parts of memory to each program, open file, etc. > Each of these parts may change in size whilst being used, thus the amount of memory they take up must be managed > This is done through paging or segmentation, which split the parts into smaller sections
What is Virtual Memory? > Used when RAM is becoming full > Pages of inactive items in RAM are temporarily swapped to permanent storage to make room for active items > Due to the much slower speed of permanent storage, and the physical division, this can dramatically slow down the computer
What is Paging? > Splits RAM into small, physical sections (4Kb on 64-bit architecture) known as pages > Items in RAM are allocated a set number of pages to run in > Crucially, these items CAN be split across lots of pages that are non-contiguous (not all together) > Addresses of pages are stored in a page table > Each page is managed by a table map to keep track of which page belongs to which item
How does Paging affect Performance? > Performance is not affected by having non-contiguous pages for items in RAM > Unused / inactive pages can be sent to virtual memory to free up pages for other tasks > Using virtual memory can lead to disk thrashing
What is Segmentation? > No physical split, unlike paging > Splits RAM into a logical division of segments with varying lengths > Items in RAM are given enough memory for parts they initially load > The remaining part of the item is kept in storage until needed, but the logical division will need to be made bigger when the rest of the item is loaded
How does Segmentation affect Performance? > Items split across non-contiguous, logical splits severely impact performance > Segmentation can still utilise virtual memory to store unused parts of programs
What is a Device Manager? > Part of the OS that keeps track of which devices are connected to which ports > Allows / disallows applications to read or write to each device
What are Device Drivers? > Special system software that is required for use of connected devices > Tells the OS how to understand the data from the device, what format to expect the data to be in, and how to interface with said device
Why can't Device Drivers work on different OSs? > Each driver uses OS specific code, meaning the architecture must be exactly as intended > For example, Windows 10 64-bit drivers do not work on 32-bit Windows, or 64-bit Linux etc.
Generally, what is an Interrupt and the Two Main Types? > Signal from a piece of software, hardware, or internal clock to the CPU > Efficiently tells the computer that a job needs to be completed > Allows for multi-tasking to take place > Software and Hardware interrupts
What is a Software Interrupt? > Interrupts from a piece of software that needs to terminate or request services from the OS to continue running > For example, opening a file has to request read access
What is a Hardware Interrupt? > Interrupts from a piece of hardware that occurs when an I/O operation completes, or encounters an error > For example, when a printer runs out of paper, the CPU must display that error to the user, and stop any more files from being sent
What is an Alternative to Interrupts? > Polling > CPU polls (asks) every piece of software and hardware if anything needs doing every cycle > Very inefficient
What is an Interrupt Service Routine (ISR)? > Set of instructions that needs to be completed as part of the interrupt (i.e., the reason why the CPU was interrupted in the first place) > The CPU returns to the previous instructions once the ISR is completed
How is an ISR Executed? > Interrupt arrives at the CPU with a flag indicating its priority > The priority is checked at the end of each fetch, decode, execute cycle > If the interrupt's priority is higher than the current set of instructions, all registers are pushed to the system stack, and the ISR begins to be executed
What is Scheduling? > Part of the OS that allows for multitasking of complex tasks > Queues up the next process required by another application to make the most efficient use of the CPU
What are the Scheduling Algorithms? > Round robin > First come, first served > Multi-level feedback queues > Shortest job first > Shortest remaining time
What is Round Robin Scheduling? > Processes are put in a (circular) queue > Each process is given an arbitrary amount of equal CPU time to be completed in > If the job is completed in this time, the next is loaded, otherwise, it goes to the end of the queue > This is done by the OS using an interval timer to interrupt the CPU at the correct time
What are the Pros and Cons of Round Robin Scheduling? > Guarantees a reasonable response time to all users of the system > Simple and works if all jobs are similar in size and priority > Ignores the priority of any job > Inefficient if each job takes different amounts of time / priority
What is First Come, First Served Scheduling? > Jobs are added to a queue > Jobs are completed in this order, disregarded time and priority (wow, so complex)
What are the Pros and Cons of First Come, First Served Scheduling? > Easy to set up and manage > Can cause a long delay in getting jobs done > Disregards priority > Generates bad performance
What is Multi-Level Feedback Queues Scheduling? > Maintains many queues of jobs, usually grouped by priority and similarity (majority of the time, there is a separate queue for slow I/O jobs) > CPU switches between queues to complete jobs > If a job is waiting too long in a low priority queue, it is moved to a high priority one to complete the job quicker > Each queue has its own scheduler
What are the Pros and Cons of Multi-Level Queues Scheduling? > Prevents bottlenecks in slow jobs, e.g., I/O > Offers the best results by maximising processor use > CPU intensive
What is Shortest Job First Scheduling? > Selects the shortest job in the queue to complete first > It's that simple
What are the Pros and Cons of Shortest Job First Scheduling? > Shortest waiting time of all the schedulers > Reduces the number of small jobs waiting behind big jobs > Larger processes can face starvation and not get completed > The OS rarely knows the amount of time a job will take, thus can only estimate the time required
What is Shortest Remaining Time Scheduling? > Selects the job that will take the least amount of time (as you would expect) > As a job arrives, it is compared to the currently running job, then added to the queue > Shortest job is run first each time a job completes (i.e., this comparison only happens when a job arrives of when a job completes)
What are the Pros and Cons of Shortest Time Remaining Scheduling? > Little CPU usage > Starvation
What is a Distributed Operating System? > Runs across lots of individual computers, but appears as one computer to the end user > OS synchronises what each computer is doing > Each computer works towards one single task
What is an Embedded Operating System? > Usually found on an embedded system, i.e., a piece of hardware that serves a single purpose > Usually stored in ROM, so it cannot be changed > Accepts data from a variety of sensors to control what is happening > Limited interaction from the user
What is a Multitasking Operating System? > Designed to allow the user to do multiple things at one time > Windows, MacOS, Linux, Android, iOS all have multitasking, e.g., listening to music whilst browsing the Internet > System slows down as more tasks are introduced > Utilises scheduling algorithms to accomplish this
What is a Multi-User Operating System? > Usually found on supercomputers or mainframe computers, since they are too large and powerful to only allow one person to access it at a time (or it would be impractical) > Multiple users can login to the system via multiple terminals and work on the computer, sharing the power
What is a Real-Time Operating System? > Reacts to inputs in a close to real time as possible > Necessary for situations where something needs to be monitored constantly, e.g., in medicine > OS usually stored in ROM > OS accepts data from sensors and makes adjustments in real time
What is the BIOS? > Basic Input Output System > Contains instructions used to initialise the computer > Usually stored in ROM
How is the BIOS used to Boot the Computer? > Performs a Power-On Self-Test (POST), which ensures all essential components are working properly > Bootstraps the initial part of the OS in memory (i.e., the bootloader, which loads the kernel) > The computer then completes booting up
What is a Virtual Machine? > Software recreation of some form of computer > Includes virtualisation (e.g., running Linux on Windows), or emulation (e.g., running a SNES game, which requires additional interpreters)
What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Virtual Machines? > Allows testing of features and software without the need for actual hardware > Saves money as new revisions do not have to be made > Require a lot of system resources to run > May not run as efficiently as the actual hardware
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