

A level Computer Science (Compression, Encryption, & Hashing) Flashcards on Compression, created by Malachy Moran-Tun on 06/12/2022.
Malachy Moran-Tun
Flashcards by Malachy Moran-Tun, updated more than 1 year ago
Malachy Moran-Tun
Created by Malachy Moran-Tun almost 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is Compression and its 2 Types? > An algorithm which helps to reduce the size of files > Useful to reduce space taken up in secondary storage, or to make sending the file quicker over a network > Two types: lossy and lossless
What is the Difference between Lossy and Lossless Compression? > Lossy - removes unnecessary detail; some data is permanently lost, but enough remains so the file is still useful > Lossless - none of the original data is lost; an algorithm is used to perfectly restore the original file. This is useful for text or executable files, where all the data is necessary > Lossy reduces the file size more than lossless
What is Run-Length Encoding? > Form of lossless compression that replaces repeating sequences with more efficient representations > Each repeating string is replaced by a code, which represents the section that repeats, and the amount of times it is to be repeated > For example, AAABBCCCC becomes 3A2B4C > This is useful in images, as adjacent pixels are likely to be the same colour
What is Dictionary (En)coding? > Useful for text files > Each word is replaced by a binary number, which represents the word > A dictionary stores which number represents which word > Both the dictionary and the string of binary numbers are stored > Sometimes, pre-existing dictionaries may be used to encode the text
What are the Advantages of Dictionary (En)coding? > Takes less bits to store a small binary number than a long word > No data is lost (i.e., lossless compression) > Pre-existing dictionaries can be used, meaning the algorithm can quickly encode the data
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