Moral & Ethical Issues


A level Computer Science (Moral and Ethical Issues) Flashcards on Moral & Ethical Issues, created by Malachy Moran-Tun on 07/12/2022.
Malachy Moran-Tun
Flashcards by Malachy Moran-Tun, updated more than 1 year ago
Malachy Moran-Tun
Created by Malachy Moran-Tun almost 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What Activity is Often Tracked Online? > Search terms > Visited websites through cookies > Purchased items and much more
What is the Problem with Online Activity Tracking? > General privacy concerns, i.e., corporations have massive amounts of data for each individual > Advertisers often use this data to show extremely targeted advertisements > Then is a lack of regulations about tracking data; many companies do so without permission (thank God for the EU)
What is Censorship? > Generally, the control or suppression of what can be accessed, viewed, or published, usually by a government or organisation > Many governments use this to limit what their citizens can access online
What are the Advantages of Censorship? > Can be used to block illegal content
What are the Disadvantages of Censorship? > Some governments censor political websites that oppose their own regime > Some governments censor communications to other countries > Basically anything that limits freedom
What are some Positive Cultural Impacts of Modern Technology? > Social interaction is much easier, e.g., through social networks > Tools such as computerised imaging, modelling diseases, and artificial intelligence has revolutionised the health industry > Online learning platforms provide access to courses, often for free > Government services can be applied for online, making it easier for those who need it, and cheaper for the government > Work is no longer limited to one location (as evidently shown during COVID)
What are some Negative Cultural Impacts of Modern Technology? > Social media allows for the spread of fake, or exaggerated information extremely quickly > Users of social media often receive an idealised view of others > Cyberbullying and trolling on social media is common, but is difficult to effectively police > Work-life balance can be thrown off if work is not limited to office hours; this can lead to poor mental health and wellbeing > The overuse of technology can have particularly bad impacts on one's health, e.g., addiction, repetitive strain injury, eye strain, neck and back problems > Technology is expensive, and therefore poorer areas suffer a divide in many areas, e.g., education
What is E-Waste? > Discarded electronic devices. yup it's that simple
Why is E-Waste so Common? > Technology is hard to repair, often because of manufacturers themselves (up the right to repair movement), making it easier to replace a product > Technology is often manufactured to have short life-spans, making people replace their device every 12-18 months (thanks Apple! and capitalism)
What is the Problem with Disposing E-Waste? > Often includes toxic chemicals > Strict rules about the disposal of e-waste, imposed by the WEEE (Waste Electric and Electronic Equipment) > These rules are often bypassed by sending e-waste to poorer countries with fewer regulations, causing problems for their food and/or water
Why are Data Centres Bad for Energy Consumption? > Servers need to be powered, but also the hardware needs to be cooled, which takes up massive amounts of energy > In 2011, it was calculated that data centres take up 2% of America's total power consumption
How can Data Centres' Energy Consumption be Reduced? > Using hot and cold aisles to ensure that the server's outtake does not blow into another's intake > Virtualisation can reduce the amount of physical servers by splitting one piece of hardware into multiple virtual servers, which reduces redundant servers
What is the Problem with Natural Resource Mining for Technology? > Electronic devices often contain a lot of rare materials, which only occur in small quantities > Mining for said resources is usually done in countries with less / no human rights > Crude oil is used for plastics, which has many detrimental environmental impacts, e.g., spillages
What are some Positive Environmental Impacts due to Technology? > Online communication reduces the need for travel, reducing pollution, particularly from cars, trains, and planes > Modelling allows for scientists to monitor and predict the effects of climate change > Models and simulations have been used to test and improve the efficiency of various devices, e.g., car engines > Automation allows for exact amounts of resources to be used, e.g., in central heating > Advent of digital documents allows for paperless communication, reducing documentation
How should the Layout of Content on the Internet be Considered? > Majority of webpages are displayed with important information on the top left of the page > Many languages read right-to-left, instead of left-to-right, so alternative layouts should be made available
How should Colours (in websites and branding) on the Internet be Considered? > Colours have different connotations around the world > For example, red in Western cultures usually indicates a warning, but in China, it signifies good luck > Blue is often seen as the safest colour, which is why so many brands use blue
How should Character Sets on the Internet be Considered? > Wherever possible, use Unicode, which uses 32-bits per character, allowing for up to 4 billion characters > Standards like ASCII can only account for Latin characters, with ASCII Extended only including support for some accents
What is Artificial Intelligence? > Code that allows for computer systems to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence
What is Machine Learning? > Process where AI improves its performance through experience / access to data > It is a subset of AI
What are the Positives of Artificial Intelligence? > Humans do not have to perform dangerous tasks > Humans do not have to perform menial tasks > New jobs will exist (e.g., programming more advanced AI), creating a more skilled workforce > Future predictions for AI are pretty cool if you ask me
What are the Negatives of Artificial Intelligence? > People can easily lose their jobs to artificial intelligence, as it saves businesses money > AI developed through machine learning can have data bias, which disadvantages people for no reason
How can Data Bias be Removed from Machine Learning? > Thoroughly test the data being used before feeding it to the AI > Datasets must be suitably broad > Datasets must be a suitable size - too large and it is difficult to filter through manually, too small and there is not enough range > Use a large and diverse programmer base to ensure there is no unconscious bias introduced
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