20/6 Film-160


Flashcards on 20/6 Film-160, created by Robin Haneland on 28/10/2015.
Robin Haneland
Flashcards by Robin Haneland, updated more than 1 year ago
Robin Haneland
Created by Robin Haneland almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
The story Is the progression of incidents that occurs to our hero in pursuit of his one goal...
Questions: What does the hero want? What hinders him from getting it? What happens if he does not get it?
Three essential elements Hero/protagonist Their goal Conflicts or obstacles
Overcoming obstacles Means that a hero needs to take action
The progression of a story A story usually builds up it´s intensity till the end, where the protagonist either get what he wants or not
The concept brief outline of the basic elements in the story, like an introduction to the script
The treatment Description of the plot, written in present Writer can explain the plot structure Sketch in preparation for the screenplay
Beat sheet Lists the narrative beats Short version of the treatment
The first draft from the author First complete version of the screenplay Focuses on dialogue, setting and action Present tense
Characters in screenplay They most externalize all their inner emotions and motivations through dialogue and and action
Shooting script Always scene numbered, to make it easier to break down Holds more technical information, however it dose not exactly describe the directors Mise en Scene
Manifest destiny The belief that you have the right to expand on someone else´s lessening Shown in the movie Plainsman
Invisible art When the editing is not visible It makes the movie flow
Screenplays Written in a specific standardized format
Story is King
Aristotles distinguish two story telling types Mimesis (Showing) and Diegesis (Telling)
Mimesis Province of theatre
Diegesis Province of novels
Movies They have both, thus more complex
Story is pieced by how Producers, executives, writers, stars
Preferred method when coming up with a story Collaboration
What is the story? The general subject of the film Covers protagonist, goal, conflict, setting It is short
What is the plot? The structure the story hangs on, "it´s bones"
Why do Hollywood recycle stories? Because they are proven winners
Movie stars akin what and why? Genres Because the audience has expectations to each genre film Becomes satisfied with story and plot
Abnormal genres Heist, Western, Musical
Opening scenes Often begins with an inciting incident
When dose complications arise, mini-climaxes? Every ten pages in most scripts
What is a whammy chart? A tool that studios use to analyze scripts Every ten pages must have a mini climax
What is typical for midway? Most classically structured movies has a turning point
What occurs after 80% of the story? Usually the big climax or #1 climax occurs
Last scene consists of? Second ending and a resolution
What is the B story? A second story that follows through the film It resolves before the main story
"Slice of life" Alternative to the classical narrative story Has a looser plot and no defined ending
Non-fictional narratives Often has the genre documentary
Filmmaking is what? It is highly subjective Even documentaries, since the filmmaker is portraying his point of view
Primitive Classical Parody ????
Genre films often what? Draw on deep archetypal stories and myth
Writers Important collaborates in the filmmaking process There are often many writers on one project, since they are brought in for specific reasons
Different writers Some are good at dialogue, structure, comedy, giving feedback on other´s work
Writers are hired by studios for what Develop scripts
Who calls the shots? Producers, stars, directors all have a input, however the studio executives calls the shots
Some of the best directors do what? Write their own scripts, sometimes with collaboration with writers
Some of these directors are: D.W. Griffith, Orson Welles, Charles Chaplin, John Huston, Peter Jackson, Woody Allen
Most of the good directors They have a hand in the script, but they don´t take credit
The screenplay Gives minimal stage direction or angle info
The director supplies with the Mise en Scene It gives added meaning to the words in the screenplay
Ideas Need to flow naturally from the actor´s mouth Or be put with dialogue and images However, sometimes there are exceptions
Dialogue that what Works is a joy to hear and Dialogue that is bad is torture to listen too, example Troy with Brad Pitt
Terse dialogue Small talk, short dialogue Clint Eastwood, Gary Cooper are favouring this
Artful dialogue Wordy dialogue, art Farrelly Bros, Woody Allen, Preston Sturges
Expository dialogue Dialogue that is in the background of situations or characters
Most filmmaker´s goal with screenplay Little or no expository dialogue
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