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mattia lazzari
Flashcards by mattia lazzari, updated more than 1 year ago
mattia lazzari
Created by mattia lazzari almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
BE (Essere) Past Simple: WAS/WERE BE (Essere) Past Participle: BEEN
BECOME (Diventare) Past Simple: BECAME BECOME (Diventare) Past Participle: BECOME
BUY (Comprare) Past Simple: BOUGHT BUY (Comprare) Past Participle: BOUGHT
COME (Venire) Past Simple: CAME COME (Venire) Past Participle: COME
DO (Fare) Past Simple: DID DO (Fare) Past Participle: DONE
DRINK (Bere) Past Simple: DRANK DRINK (Bere) Past Participle: DRUNK
DRIVE (Guidare) Past Simple: DROVE DRIVE (Guidare) Past Participle: DRIVEN
FORGET (Dimenticare) Past Simple: FORGOT FORGET (Dimenticare) Past Participle: FORGOTTEN
GET (Prendere/ottenere) Past Simple: GOT GET (Prendere/ottenere) Past Participle: GOT
GO (Andare) Past Simple: WENT GO (Andare) Past Participle: GONE
HAVE (Avere) Past Simple: HAD HAVE (Avere) Past Participle: HAD
KNOW (Sapere/Conoscere) Past Simple: KNEW KNOW (Sapere/Conoscere) Past Participle: KNOWN
LOSE (Perdere) Past Simple: LOST LOSE (Perdere) Past Participle: LOST
MAKE (Fare/Costruire) Past Simple: MADE MAKE (Fare/Costruire) Past Participle: MADE
MEET (Incontrare) Past Simple: MET MEET (Incontrare) Past Participle: MET
READ (Leggere) Past Simple: READ READ (Leggere) Past Participle: READ
RIDE (Cavalcare) Past Simple: RODE RIDE (Cavalcare) Past Participle: RIDDEN
RUN (Correre) Past Simple: RAN RUN (Correre) Past Participle: RUN
SLEEP (Dormire) Past Simple: SLEPT SLEEP (Dormire) Past Participle: SLEPT
SPEND (Dormire) Past Simple: SPENT SPEND (Dormire) Past Participle: SPENT
TAKE (Prendere) Past Simple: TOOK TAKE (Prendere) Past Participle: TAKEN
THINK (Pensare) Past Simple: THOUGHT THINK (Pensare) Past Participle: THOUGHT
WEAR (Indossare) Past Simple: WORE WEAR (Indossare) Past Participle: WORN
WIN (Vincere) Past Simple: WON WIN (Vincere) Past Participle: WON
WRITE (Scrivere) Past Simple: WROTE WRITE (Scrivere) Past Participle: WRITTEN
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