Chemistry cue cards


Flashcards on Chemistry cue cards , created by 20257459 on 18/11/2015.
Flashcards by 20257459, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by 20257459 almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
How many orbitals are there in a s-subshell 1
How many orbital are there in a p-subshell 3
How many orbital are there in a d-subshell 5
How many orbitals are there in a f-subshell 7
How many electrons can each orbital hold 2
Spins pattern Opposite
The 4s rule The 4s orbital fills up before the 3d orbital
The shells The shells overlap the further away from the nucleus you get The inner shells shield the outer shells from the positive pull of the nucleus, making it easier to lose an electron
The strength of the positive charge of the nucleus If the electron to proton number is uneven then there will be wither a greater or less of a pull from the nucleus
Moles The amount of substance containing as many particles as there are carbon atoms in exactly 12g Of C-12
Mole Calculation N=M/g Mr
Mole calculations - solution N=CxV 1000
Mole calculations- accurate gases PV=NRT
Mole calculations- approximation gases N=V VM
Avogadros number A mole of anything contains 6.02x10(23)
Water of crystallization The water present in a compound giving the computing a crystalline appearance
Calculation water of crystallization empirical formula. Find moles of both water and other molecule then find ratio.
Empirical formula The simplest whole number ratio of of arts present in a compound
How to empirical formula Decide % by Mr Then decide that number by the smallest number that you have If it isn't a whole number double until whole number is reached It gives you a ratio Then use the ratio to make the correct molecule
Atomic number The number of protons in the nucleus if an atom
Mass number The number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom
Relative isotopic mass The mass of an atom of an isotope compared with 1/12 of the mass an atom of C-12
Relative atomic mass The weighted mean mass of an atom Of an element compared with 1/12 ofthe mass of an atom of C-12
Isotopes An atom from the same element bust with different number of neutrons
Mole The amount of substance containing as many particles as there are in exactly 12g oh C-12
Avogadros constant The number of particles per mole of a substance (6.02x10^23)
Molar mass The mass in grams per mile of a substance. Units are gmol^-1
Molecular formula The actual number of atoms of each element present in a molecule
Water of crystallization The water present in a compound giving it a crystalline appearance
Acid Releases H+ ions in solution (proton donor)
Base A proton donor
Alkali A soluble base that releases OH- ions when in solution
Salt A xcompound produced when H+ ions from an acid is replaced by a metal or another positive ion, such ad an ammonium ion
Anhydrous When all the waters of crystallization have been removed from a compound
Hydrated When water of crystallizationis present in a copound
Oxidation number A measure of the number of electrons that an atom uses to bond with atoms of a different element
Oxidation The loss of electrons/an increase in oxidation number (state)
Oxidizing agent A reagent that oxidises another species (gets reduced itself)
Reduction The gain Of electrons/a decrease in oxidation number (state)
Reducing agent A regent which reduces another species ( gets oxidized itself)
Redox A reaction where both oxidation and reduction take place
Displacement reaction A reaction in which a more reactive element displaces a less reactive element from an aqueous solution of its halide ions
Disproptionation A reaction which an element is simultaneously oxidized and reduced
Atomic orbital A region within an atom that can hold up to two electrons with opposite spins
S/p/d block element Highest energy sub-shell is an s/p/d sub-shell
Ionic bond The electrostatic attraction between oppositly charged ions
Covalent bond The sharing of a pair of electrons between two atoms
Dative (co-ordinate) bond The sharing of apair of electrons between tow atoms where only one atom supplies both the electrons shared
Electronegitivity The ability of an atom to attract the bonding electrons towards itself a covalent bond
Metallic bonding The attraction of positive metal ions to delocalised electrons
Periodicity The repeating pat trees of trends across the different periods
Hydrogen bond A dipole-dipole attraction between a slightly positive hydrogen on one molecule and a lone pair of electrons on a highly electronegative atom (N,O,F) of another molecule
First ionization energy The energy required to remove One electron from each atom in one mole of gaseous atoms to form one mole of gaseous 1+ ions. Units kjmol^-1
Successive ionization energy A measure of the energy required to remove each electron in turn
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