Key Words flash cards


All about geography keywords
Parth Shetty
Flashcards by Parth Shetty, updated more than 1 year ago
Parth Shetty
Created by Parth Shetty almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Constructive wave Smaller waves that have a more powerful swash than backwash. As a result they deposit material on the beach.
Destructive wave Larger waves that have a more powerful backwash than swash. As a result they take material away from the beach.
Swash The movement of water up the beach.
Backwash The water returning back to the sea.
Fetch The distance that the wind travels over the open sea.
Physical Weathering 1)Water Gets in the cracks of rocks. 2)When the temperature drops below freezing the water will expand as it turns into ice. 3)This expansion puts pressure on the rock around it, increasing the size of the cracks. 4)Overtime this causes the rock to weaken and break off.
Chemical Weathering 1)Rainwater contains weak acids that can react with certain rock types. 2)The carbonates in limestone are dissolved by these weak acids. 3)This causes the rock to break up and disintegrate.
Biological Weathering 1)Seeds that fall into cracks in rocks will start to grow when moisture is present. 2)The roots force their way into cracks, increasing the size of the cracks. 3)Burrowing animals, such as rabbits, widen the cracks further. 4)This resulting in the rock breaking up.
Hydraulic Action This is the pressure of the water being thrown against the cliffs by the wave. It also includes the compression of air in cracks. This puts even more pressure on the cracks and pieces of rock may break off.
Abrasion Sand and pebbles carried within waves are thrown against the cliff face with considerable force. These particles break off more rocks which, in turn, are thrown against the cliff by the breaking wave.
Corrosion This is a chemical reaction between certain rock types and the salt and acid in the sea water. This is particularly common on limestone and chalk cliffs where water is a dissolved blue at the bottom of the cliffs due to the dissolved lime.
Attrition This involves the wearing away of rocks in the sea. As the boulders in the sea continually roll around, they chip away at each other until smooth pebbles or sand is formed.
Solution Minerals are dissolved in sea water and carried in solution. The load is not visible. Load can come from cliffs made from chalk or limestone, calcium carbonate is carried along the solution.
Suspension Small particles are carried in water, e.g silts and clays, which can make the water look cloudy. Currents pick up large amounts of sediment in suspension during a storm, when strong winds generate high energy waves.
Saltation Load is bounced along the sea bed, e.g small pieces of shingle or large sand grains. Currents cannon keep the larger and heavier sediment afloat for long periods.
Traction Pebbles and larger sediment are rolled along the sea bed.
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