World war 1 revision


World war 1 revision
Flashcards by huynv18, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by huynv18 almost 9 years ago

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Question Answer
Define Alliance Two or more nations, come together to support another military
Define Arm race Two or more countries compete with each other to achieve the greatest quality of weapons
Define Assassination The action to kill someone for political reasons
Define Imperialism A policy to extend a country's power and influence through colonisation, use of military force, or other reasons
Define Mobilised Preparing for war, such as training, equipment etc.
Define Nationalism People of the same race, culture, ideas, or people who belongs to the same national state
Define Propaganda Information that is false is used to promote a political cause or point of view
Define Recruitment The action to enlist new people in the armed forces
Define White leather A symbol of cowardice and lack of strength that is used on men to shame them, for not wearing the uniform or participating in the war
What were the catalysts for the war in Europe? Alliance, Imperial expansion, Assassination, Militarism and Nationalism
Who were Australian's allies during the war? France, New Zealand and Britain
Who were the Triple Entente? Britain, France and Russia
Who were the Triple Alliance? Germany, Austria-Hungarian and Italy
Why men enlisted in Australia? Thousands of men (Around 300 000) enlisted due to propaganda. The idea of joining the war would be fun and make them appear stronger and more desirable. They thought it would be a good idea to support their 'Mother country' Britain in the war, as this would allow Britain supporting Australia if it was ever needed.
What was the Schlieffen plan? Germany's plan was based on their enemies that they had (France on the West side and Russia on the East) During the six weeks, Germany believed that Russia would mobilised their army, so Germany launch a quick attack to France. This then would allow them to move to the East to fight off Russia.
Why did the plan fail? The plan failed largely because of the strong Belgian resistance that Germany didn't expect at all. Belgian helped France and Britain's forces to halt Germans in northern France. By Belgian helping them, they delayed Germany's advance.
What is Treaty Warfare? Type of combat, in which opposing troops fight from their trenches facing each other
What is Treaty of Versailles? One of a peace treaties that was signed at the end of WW1. This ended all war at state between Germany and the Allied power.
What did the Treaty of Versailles consists of? - Germany was the one who cause the war. - Germany having to pay for damages that caused the war - Army reduced to 100 000 men - Navy only allowed 6 ships - no submarines - They weren't allowed to reunite with Austria - Lost land to a number of countries
Why Australia went to war? Australia was part of the British Empire. The Australian Labor Party leader pledged that Australia would back up Britain. The men in Australia were allowed to decided whether if they wanted to join or not, but then later on they rushed men to enlist.
What were some of the reason Australians went to war? Some of them went to war for personal reasons, such as escaping unemployment, to travel, seek adventure etc. Many of the men believed that it would be fun to join and would be over in a week
What's the importance for Australia with Gallipoli? It's still a deep significance for most Australians. Thousands of young Australian and New Zealand soldiers went to war and died on beaches and cliffs. This shows the courage and endurance of these men that created ANZAC (Australian New Zealand Army Corps) legend
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