Science Process Skills


Flashcards about Unit 0 in Science
Jade Dickey
Flashcards by Jade Dickey, updated more than 1 year ago
Jade Dickey
Created by Jade Dickey almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Independent Variable(s) what the scientist changes on purpose
Dependent Variable(s) the variable that changes because of the change in the independent variable
Constants/Controls the things that must stay the same within the experiment
Observation Using one or more of your senses to gather information about the world
Most basic skill in science Making and recording observations
Your observations want ot be accurate and objective Accurate - accurate observation is an exact report of what your senses tell you Objective - objective observation avoid opinions, or bias, based on specific points of view
Qualitative Observation(s) are descriptions that do not use numbers; For example: colors, smells, tastes, textures or sounds
Quantitative Observation(s) do include numbers; Counting objects, or measuring something with a standard unit; Often made using tools
Inferring Making an inference, or inferring, is explaining or interpreting an observation or statement; It is based on observations and prior knowledge; Inferences should be reasonable (logical),one that makes sense, given what a person knows about the topic and be based on accurate evidence; • An inference may be unreasonable if it concludes too much from the evidence and should be avoided;
Predicting/Making a hypothesis Predicting is making an inference about a future event based on current evidence or past experience; It is not a guess. One way to make a prediction is to look for a pattern. Because a prediction is an inference,it may not always be correct. • Predictions can be tested by observation and/or experimentation.
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