

Speech for bombings
Joseph Ainsworth
Flashcards by Joseph Ainsworth, updated more than 1 year ago
Joseph Ainsworth
Created by Joseph Ainsworth almost 9 years ago

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Question Answer
Syria bombings "When he has penetrated into hostile territory, but to no great distance, it is facile ground." These are the words of the famous Sun Tzu who wrote "the art of war"
Pt 1 Syria, medically and technologically - But with the uprising of ISIS and with the past uprising of the Taliban our government is scared to lose troops in the field and in the air.
pt 3 Our government uses drones to bomb, showing that my case is not false
Pt 2 Our country believes that they can defeat the opposition (ISIS) without sending ground forces to eradicate the threat with or without bombing
Pt 4 Government knew that the vote would be a yes (bombed Syria 1 hr later) not funny
Pt 5 The conservative party voted that we should bomb Syria
Tactics He was intellectual and wise and powerful like our Prime Minister should be "So in war, the way to avoid what is strong strike what is weak" why Sun Tzu vote against
End I'll leave you with this, are the bombings right if so why...
quote "The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting..."
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