Syrian Refugee Crisis


Mind Map on Syrian Refugee Crisis, created by Gabrielle Thompson on 25/08/2016.
Gabrielle Thompson
Mind Map by Gabrielle Thompson, updated more than 1 year ago
Gabrielle Thompson
Created by Gabrielle Thompson about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Syrian Refugee Crisis
  1. Explain Crisis
    1. Syrian Civil War
      1. Arab Spring Protest 2011
        1. Bashar al-Assad
          1. refused
            1. kept dictatorship
            2. battled rebellion
              1. torture
                1. gassing people with chemical weapons
            3. Refugees fled Syria
              1. Countries
                1. Turkey
                  1. Lebanon
                    1. Jordan
                      1. Egypt
                        1. Iran
                    2. Affected
                      1. global
                        1. Europe
                          1. rich countries
                            1. hardly helping
                            2. poorer countries
                              1. resources stretched thin
                            3. hardly helping
                              1. US
                                1. Australia
                                  1. Canada
                              Show full summary Hide full summary


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