Biology Lab 1006


Biology Lab 1006
Flashcards by clairedelune01, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by clairedelune01 almost 9 years ago

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Question Answer
Falsifiable Inherent possibility to prove a hypothesis or theory to be false.
Parsimony Adoption of the simplest assumption when forming a theory/interpreting data
Variable Something that is prone to change/variation
Control To verify or regulate an experiment by conducting another experiment or by comparing to a standard
Replication Repetition of an experiment to confirm findings and to ensure accuracy
Dependant Variable Responds to the independent variable (what is being measured in the experiment)
Independent Variable What is being measured during the experiment (treatment). What we are manipulating ex: fertilizer used, temperature
Monomer Molecule that can join other molecules to form a polymer
Polymer A large molecule comprised of smaller molecules (monomers)
PCR Polymerase chain reaction-copying a piece(s) of DNA
DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid- genetic material of all living organisms
In Vitro Experiment carried out outside of the cell (test tube)
In Vivo Experiment carried out inside living organism
Locus Specific location/position of a gene in a DNA sequence on a chromosome (where trait may be)
Allele One possible form of a gene occupying a specific spot on a chromosome that controls a trait
Diploid Cell/organism with paired chromosomes, one from each parent (2n)
Haploid Cell/organism with half the number of usual chromosome (gametes-n)
Homozygous An individual that has two of the same allele of a gene ex: RR, rr
Heterozygous An individual that has two different alleles of a gene ex: Rr
Genotype Individual's collection of genes. Can also refer to the two alleles inherited for a certain gene
DNA Fingerprint A test to evaluate genetic info of a person
Allelic Ladder DNA fragments that respect common alleles at a locus
Gene Locus of a DNA that acts as instructions to make a protein
Transcription First part of DNA replication, where DNA is copied to RNA
RNA Polymerase Enzyme that constructs RNA from a DNA template (transcription)
Messenger RNA (mRNA) A type of RNA that carries the code or chemical blueprint for a specific protein (conveys info from nucleus to ribosome where they specify amino acid sequence)
Translation Process where ribosomes create protein from mRNA in the transcription stage
Codon A sequence of 3 nucleotides that correspond with an amino acid
Reading Frame Way of dividing the sequence of nucleotides into consecutive non-overlapping triplets
Secondary Structure Pattern of hydrogen bonds of the protein (α-helix & β-sheet)
Gene Expression Process by which info from a gene is used in the synthesis of a functional gene product (The conversion of the information from the gene into mRNA via transcription and then to protein via translation resulting in the phenotypic manifestation of the gene)
Operator Segment of DNA where the transcription factor binds to in order to regulate gene expression.
Repressor Blocks attachment of RNA polymerase to the promoter
Variance The measure of variation shown by a set of observations
F-Ratio Comparing the variance within the group to the between group variance (BGV/WGV)
Null Hypothesis That there would be no significant difference between the observed data and the data we expected
Mitochondria Organelle in cells where biochemical processes of respiration and energy production occur
Chloroplast Organelle in plant cells that converts light energy into sugars (glucose)
Catalyst A substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without itself undergoing any permanent change
Anabolic Reaction Metabolic pathway that constructs molecules from smaller units (build up)
Catabolic Reaction Metabolic pathway that breaks down molecules into smaller units that are oxidized to release energy
Succinate Substrate that is oxidized to form fumarate and FADH2
Calvin cycle Chemical reactions that convert CO2 and other components to glucose
Starch Long chain of glucose molecules
Assay (noun) A test to determine the components of a substance
Assay (verb) The act of conducting an assay
Standard Curve Graph of multiple substances with known properties to determine same properties in an unknown substance
Chromophore Part of the molecule responsible for color. Color arises when a molecule absorbs certain wavelengths of visible light and reflects it
x-axis Concentration of a substance on an unknown sample
y-axis Assay measurement of the unknown substance
Error Bars Graphical representation of the variability in data to indicate error/uncertainty in measurement
Homologous Chromosomes Chromosomes that are similar but not identical. Carry same genes in same order but may have different alleles
Sister Chromatids Identical copies formed by the replication of a single chromosome
Meiosis Type of cell division that reduces number of chromosomes in half and forms 4 gametes
Allele Variant form of a gene
Dominant Allele An allele that produces the same phenotype whether it is paired with another identical allele or different
Recessive Allele An allele that produces its phenotype when its paired up with an identical allele
Phenotype Observable physical/biomechanical characteristics of an organism. Determined by genetics and environmental influence
Sex-Linked Trait Traits that is associated with a gene that is only carried on the x or y chromosomes
Autosome Any chromosome that is not a sex chromosome
Allosome Chromosome that is different from ordinary autosomes (sex chromosome)
Sexual Dismorphism Distinct difference in size/appearance between sexes. Includes sexual organs themselves
Y-Chromosome Sex chromosome that results in the forming of testes and other male related traits
Wild Type Phenotype of the typical form of a species as it occurs in nature
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