

Bloop bloop bloop
Anniek Wheeler
Flashcards by Anniek Wheeler, updated more than 1 year ago
Anniek Wheeler
Created by Anniek Wheeler almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Definition for sustainability is To meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs
Relative sustainable goals are: Absolute sustainable goals are: improving over current best-practices the end goal and how we get there
2030 Challenge goals are: all new buildings carbon neutral rebuild 3% of existing buildings until 2080+
LEED was created to: defined what a green building was recognize environmental leadership in the industry stimulate competition
The 6 LEED categories: (sub categories are Prerequisites and Credits) 1. Sustainable sites 2. Water efficiencies 3. Energy and atmosphere 4. Materials and resources 5. Indoor environmental quality 6. Innovation in design
Name 2 prerequisites or credits for: 1. Sustainable sites 2. Water efficiencies 3. Energy and atmosphere 1. Access to public transit Light pollution reduction 2. Water use reduction Water efficient landscaping 3. Green power Minimum energy performance
Name 2 prerequisites or credits for: 4. Materials and Resources 5. Indoor environmental quality 6. Innovation in design 4. Certified wood Storage and collection of recyclables 5. Indoor air quality Daylight and views 6. Green cleaning program Exemplary construction waste managment
The 7 Petals of Living Building Challenge (LBC) are: 1. Place 2. Water 3. Energy 4. Health and Happiness 5. Materials 6. Equity 7. Beauty
What is the difference between LBC and LEED? LEED builds sustainably, and outlines better ways to build or rebuild. LBC is about repairing damage (regenerative). LBC = more requirements. LBC is quantified! Net 0 water and Net 0 energy.
What are units of energy? Joules or Kilowatt hours (kwh)
What are BIM models? Computer modelling software that allows multiple systems to be shown in the same model. Passed down from discipline to discipline. - Reduces change orders (less material waste) and more productive. Also saves converting from one software to another.
Masterformat A list of construction specifications. Used for cost estimates, and for contractors to bid on a project. Divides
What are the differences between Part 3 and Part 9 in the OBC? Part 3 is for buildings over 600m2, is less prescriptive and more appropriate for Arch/Eng Part 9 is for buildings under 600m2, is more prescriptive and appropriate for contractors
What is the difference between compliance (packages) and performance paths? Compliance packages meet the minimum. Performance paths aim at creating something beyond the requirements (e.g higher R-value than the minimum).
HDD calculation Take an average of the days high and low temperatures and subtract from 18. (18 - Tdayavg)
Energy use intensity is: Annual building energy use ______________________________________ Floor area
What are the 5 forces? 1. Tension 2. Compression 3. Bending 4. Torsion 6. Shear
What are Newtons 3 laws? 1. Objects at rest stay at rest, objects in motion stay in motion (unless acted upon by a force) 2. F=ma 3. When an object asserts a force on another object, the second object exerts an equal and opposite force.
How do you draw a load path diagram? Start at the top. Draw down through vertical members. DRAW REACTIONARY FORCES IN FOUNDATION!
List holding capacities of soil from high to low Rock Gravel Sand Clay
What are the 3 parts to a building structure? Superstructure (above ground) Substructure (basements etc) Foundation
List the 3 main types of beam supports? Fixed end Pin Roller
Name key technologies to help waterproof building foundations. - Drainage with gravel -Draining mat (similar but just a strip) -Perforated drain pipe -Vapor barrier or damp proofing
Explain what a vapour barrier is and the difference between damp proofing and water proofing. Resists moisture. Usually the installation of a plastic wrap. Should facilitate the flow of moisture to the weeping tile. Can also have Water proofing is more expensive and keeps ALL water away from foundations. Usually is a coating of tar, rubber or blue-skin that water can't get through.
Explain 1. Water/damp proofing 2. Weeping tile 3. Water tight barriers/slurry walls 1. Coatings or membranes that keep water away from the foundation. 2. Gravel or mat that drains water away to perforated pipe. 3.
What is a retaining wall and what are some types. Retaining wall are wall that hold back soil. Cribbing, Gabions, Rock walls
Name the 3 common excavation bracing techniques. 1. Crosslot 2. Rakers 3. Tie backs
Ottawa foundation depth: 4-5 feet
What are common types of footing failure? Settlement Beam sheer Punching shear Bending
What is this? A compliance package
Name and explain the 4 types of common wood defects. 1. Check: perpendicular to the ring 2. Shake: along the ring 3. Wane: when bark is still there 4. Knot: when a branch fell off early on
Name the 4 common drying effects on wood.
Name the two most common types of wood sawing.
What are cellulose fibers and lignin? Cellulose is bulk of the tree (good in tension) and lignin is the adhesive that holds them together (and good in compression). Wood is stronger when dried.
Name 3 advantages and disadvantages for light wood frame construction. Advantages: 1. Minimal tools required. 2. Flexible (any shape of building. 3. Cheap (in labour and materials Disadvantages: 1. Burns easily. 2. Swells with moisture. 3. Unattractive (needs to be covered).
Name and explain the two methods for wood frame construction. Platform: one floor, then next floor Balloon: continuous vertical members
OBC cantilever ratio? 6:1 (previously 2:3 though?)
Name the 3 types of loads on a building. Name the 2 types of pressure. Name the 3 types of force. Static, live, self Water, ground Buoyancy, seismic, wind
Name the 3 types of lateral bracing 1. X (or cross) bracing 2. Eccentric bracing 3. K trussing
Name the 4 nailing methods: 1. Face nailing. 2. Face nailing. 3. End nailing. 4. Toe nailing
Name the 3 foundation requirements: 1. Safe 2. Robust (will not settle badly) 3. Feasible (technically and economically)
Name: Mansard Gable Gambrel Hip
What is an anchor bolt? What is a rim joist? What is the layer that is placed between the foundations and the wall called? L-shaped bolt that attaches foundation to walls Joist that runs around the outside of the foundation. Attaches to the joist. Foam gasket. Used for water control.
What are the metal clip ons that hold joists called? Joist hangers
How is lateral support added to joists? Through cross bridging usually
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