Tech 2


Anniek Wheeler3008
Flashcards by Anniek Wheeler3008, updated more than 1 year ago
Anniek Wheeler3008
Created by Anniek Wheeler3008 almost 9 years ago

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Question Answer
Label: Cripple, header, king stud, jack stud, stud, sill, sole plate, top plate Cripple: above and below windows Header: horizontal above window King stud: full length along the door Jack stud: supports window/door header Stud: full length Sill: bottom of window Sole plate: on the floor Top plate: ceiling
Name 3 types of joists: Metal web joist Wood web joist I joist
Name 3 types of beams: 1. Glu Lam 2. Steel I Beam 3. Built up beam (laminated lumber)
What are the metric and imperial comfort ranges for stairs? Rise x run and 2 risers + 1 tread Metric 451-484 Imperial 70-75 Metric 61-63.5 Imperial 24-25
Ridge board Rafters Fly Rafter Lookout Long piece that sits that the top of the triangle Diagonal bits Rafters that stick Horizontal parts that hold the fly rafter
What is a dormer? Windows that stick out of the roof
What are 4 advantages and 4 disadvantages of Steel Frame construction? Pros: Lighter than wood, takes up less space, no sawdust, doesn't warp with moisture, no bugs, stronger, recyclable Cons:Non traditional, need non traditional tools and labour, rust, thermal bridging (400x), expensive
What is an equinox? What is a solstice? March 20th September 23rd June 21st December 22nd
What is the Azimuth? The degrees away from south on a two dimensional horizontal plane
Give 3 examples of passive house elements that use natural stuff? Use sun's warmth for heating Use wind to cool house Use shade for cooling Use sunlight for lighting
What are the 5 factors of good window design: 1. Type of glazing material (glass, suspended film, treated glass) 2. The number of air layers 3. What type of gas if any is used 4. Thermal resistance of frame and spacers 5. Tightness of the window
Name the 3 types of insulation and pros and cons. Mineral/stone wool. Pro: no mold, fire protection. Cons: expensive, not recyclable Glass/fiberglass wool: Pro: no mold, blown in or in batts. Cons: not recyclable, not very good insulation qualities, no air-sealing Celulose (paper, cotton, sawdust). Pro: low cost, some air sealing, recyclable, natural. Cons: settles over time, cant get wet.
What is the ratio of concrete? 1 cement 2 sand 3 gravel
What is the benefit of pretensioning over rebar? Pretensioning causes the entire slab to be in compression.
Name 3 causes of concrete structure failure. Corrosion of the steel reinforcement Exposure to seawater (sulfate attack) Freeze thaw deterioration
Define Fiber Reinforced Polymer and some of its pros and cons. Matrix of fibers that form a fabric. Pros: can wrap structures to add tensile strength in necessary areas. Very high strength to weight ratio, lasts a long time, can rehabilitate structures. Cons: very expensive, labour intensive
Explain the differences between steel, cast iron and stainless steel. Steel = less than 3% carbon Cast Iron = 3-4% carbon (more brittle) Stainless steel = steel + either chromium or nickel (more expensive but doesn't erode)
Name the 3 main types of metal joinery. Welding Bolting Riveting (basically bolting but smooth on either side and cant be removed)
Name the 3 types of steel decking. Form deck Composite deck Roof deck
Describe how steel decking is made into slabs. Insulation, wire fabric and lightweight concrete are added on top. Spray on fire protection is added to the bottom.
What are some of the advantages of masonry? - Very durable to fire, water and air - Minimal tools, one person can build - Available in many types and colours - Good in compression (but not tension)
What is added behind masonry? An air gap with a vapour barrier. Water is drained out at the bottom of the wall.
How much of a masonry wall is portland cement? About 20%
What is the difference between portland cement and lime mortar? Lime cement is not as strong (but ok for residential), doesn't bond as well
Types of brick laying
Name common types of rock masonry. 1. Igneous (granite) 2. Sedimentary (limestone) 3. Metamorphic (slate)
How is brick usually supported in a wall? With tie-ins (metal pieces that anchor it to the wall behind) AKA reinforced masonry.
How is masonry protected from temperature changes? By thermal expansion joints, which absorb the expansion and contraction.
What is the advantage of a masonry stove? - 70-90% efficient (most efficient) Was originally designed in a wood shortage in Europe (more efficient so they save wood)
How are straw bale walls constructed? What do they resist well against? Rebar "pins" inserted into the bales. Stucco skin is applied. Seismic activity
What three things does HVAC do? 1. Adjust temperature 2. Adjust humidity 3. Ensure the air is healthy through filtration
What is oversizing in relation to HVAC systems? Calculating the necessary size of the system and adding between 5-20%. Some people intentionally oversize, to avoid service calls for too hot or too cold.
What are 4 downsides of oversizing HVAC systems? 1. Loss of efficiency 2. Shortened lifespan 3. Poor humidity control (during cooling season) 4. Higher initial cost
Pros of LED lighting - Longer lasting (50,000h vs 1,200) - Uses less power (1/10th as much) - Doesn't react to water/heat - Very durable
Name 4 benefits of natural lighting. 1. Eyes perform better 2. Circadian rhythm 3. Vit D 4. Less stress 5. Happier 6. More productive
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