

Levels of government, branches of government, local/state/national roles & duties
Jessica Maltzman
Flashcards by Jessica Maltzman, updated more than 1 year ago
Jessica Maltzman
Created by Jessica Maltzman almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What are the 3 LEVELS of government? 1. Local 2. State 3. National
What are the 3 BRANCHES of government? 1. Judicial 2. Executive 3. Legislative
What is the purpose of The Articles of Confederation? (2 purposes) 1. to create a national government 2. to get support for the Revolutionary War
What is the purpose of The Constitution of the United States? (3 purposes) 1. to create order 2. to create a democratic government 3. to set up national & state rights
What is the purpose of The Bill of Rights? (1 purpose) 1. to protect the rights of individuals
Use numbers to explain the idea of "Majority Rules": - 13 out of 20 kids in our class vote to play WiiU - 6 out of 9 cousins vote to stay the night at Gaga's house
The Constitution of the United States says the power to rule comes from... the people
Give an example of 'Freedom of Speech': being able to say whatever you want
Give an example of 'Freedom of Press': being able to write & publish whatever you want
Give an example of 'Freedom of Religion': being able to go to any church or practice any religion
Give an example of 'Freedom of Assembly': being able to gather in a group or have a meeting
The Americans with Disabilities Act passed in 1990. Why was the passing of this law so important? This law is important because it give people with disabilities equal rights and access to public places.
List 2 ways out school has been updated to protect the rights of people with physical disabilities: 1. handicapped bathrooms 2. wheel chair ramps around school 3. playground equipment - special swing 4. automatic doors
What are the responsibilities of the Executive Branch? (3 jobs) 1. enforce the law 2. appoint judges 3. veto laws
Who is in charge of the Executive Branch at a NATIONAL level? The President
Who is in charge of the Executive Branch at a STATE level? The Governor
Who is in charge of the Executive Branch at a LOCAL level? The Mayor
What are the responsibilities of the Legislative Branch? (2 jobs) 1. write laws 2. establish taxes
Who is in charge of the Legislative Branch at a NATIONAL & STATE levels? Congress: House of Representatives and Senate
Who is in charge of the Legislative Branch at a LOCAL level? City Council
What are the responsibilities of the Judicial Branch? (3 jobs) 1. interpret the laws 2. decide if laws are constitutional 3. conduct fair trials
Who is in charge of the Judicial Branch at a NATIONAL level? Supreme Court judges
Who is in charge of the Judicial Branch at a STATE level? State Court judges
Who is in charge of the Judicial Branch at a LOCAL level? District court judges
Why is the system of Checks and Balances so important? (3 reasons) 1. it gives each branch of government an equal amount of power 2. when one branch becomes too powerful, the other branches can check that power & balance it out with powers of their own 3. it was written into the Constitution
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