Chapter 28: sun wind and water energy


Flashcards on Chapter 28: sun wind and water energy, created by ekuhn11 on 08/12/2013.
Flashcards by ekuhn11, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ekuhn11 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
renewable energy energy that is replinished over a short period of time.
sustainable energy energy must be renewable with a low enough environmental impact that can be used for long term
wind energy energy contained in the motion of air across earths surface
photovoltaic cells convert solar cells directly into electricity
active solar technologies directing solar energy to energy
solar thermal systems another active technology that captures solar energy for heating
passive solar technologies the capture of electricity without electrical or mechanical assistance
geothermal energy heat stored underground in rocks
geothermal heat pumps activily moves heat from underground to the house or removes it to cool it down
payback time the amount of time it would take to save enough money in operation costs to pay for eqipment
geothermal power plants power plants that use the heat of hydrothermal reservoirs to produce steam adn turn turbines to generate electricoty
hydropower energy produced through running water
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