Neurological assessment


Flashcards on Neurological assessment, created by bhupinder bahia on 10/01/2016.
bhupinder bahia
Flashcards by bhupinder bahia, updated more than 1 year ago
bhupinder bahia
Created by bhupinder bahia over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
The autonomic nervous system responds to external stimuli, these signals travel to the CNS via afferent nerves and a response is initiated via efferent nerves, true or false? False
The motor nervous system is composed of what type of nerves? Efferent nerves
The 'neuroptip' is a clinical tool primarily used to assess sustained pressure / light touch, true or false? False
LMNL are typically characterised by spasticity and stiffness within the limbs, true or false False
Trauma between which elements of the CNS may constitute to an UMNL? Cortex and L1 of the spinal cord
1. What type of neuropathy can lead to a reduced peripheral perfusion? 2. Will this neuropathy exist alone or may it be accompanied by another type too? 1. Autonomic neuropathy 2. Sensory neuropathy is always present in any neuropathic patient
Spinal cord regions L2-L4 are tested as part of what neurological test? Patella tendon reflex
Spinal cord regions S1-S2 are tested as part of what neurological test? Achilles tendon reflex
A score of '1+' in the reflex grading is indicative of an increased reflex response, true or false? False, 1+ is normal
Multiple sclerosis, cerebral vascular accidents and cerebral palsy are disorders commonly associated with... Upper motor neuron lesions
LMNL are commonly associated with 4 disorders, what could these be... Diabetes mellitus Poliomyelitis Spina bifida Charcot-Marie-Tooth-disease
Another aspect of the Romberg's test involves laterally grasping the hallux with the thumb and forefinger, with the patient's eyes closed they are questioned about the position the toe may be in (flexed/extended), true or false? False, this is simply referred to as a joint proprioception test.
A positive Romberg's test is indicated by what, and what does this mean? The patient's inability to stand balanced with their eyes closed and feet together. This means they may be suffering from proprioceptive issues and ataxia.
Paresis, paralysis and reduced/absent reflexes suggest one may be suffering from...? Lower motor neurone lesion
A positive babinski's response in an adult is indicative of an UMNL, true or false? True
Pacinian corpuscles detect deep vibration and provide proprioceptive feedback, what clinical instrument can be used to test their integrity? 128Hz tuning fork
10g monofilament undetected on any dorsal aspect of the foot indicates an issue with what nerve and what part of the nervous system? 1. Common peroneal nerve 2. Sensory nervous system
Entrapment of a spinal nerve may lead to paraesthesia, pain, and weakness of the muscles in the lower limb, what is the term for this condition? Referred pain
Baroreceptors are controlled by which branch of the nervous system? The autonomic nervous system
Afferent and efferent nerves are consciously directed via the autonomic nervous system, true or false? False, we have no conscious control over these nerves fibres
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