

Talya Hambling
Flashcards by Talya Hambling, updated more than 1 year ago
Talya Hambling
Created by Talya Hambling over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
what's is an enzyme a biological catalyst that speeds up a reaction without being used up
what are enzymes made from proteins (and therefore chains of amino acids)
describe activation energy the energy needed to start a reaction, often heat
when an substrate locks into an enzyme, what does it become an enzyme substrate complex
name the two models for enzyme action the lock and key model ,and the induced fit model
describe the lock and key model the substrate is complimentary to the active site, and locks into the correct one
describe the induced fit model the substrate and active site aren't completely complimentary, but rather the enzyme changes its shape to fit around the correct substrate, like a hand in a glove
what is the shape of an enzyme dictated by its tertiary structure. if it is altered (by heat of pH etc.) the active site will no longer work
what 4 factors affect enzyme activity temperature, pH, substrate concentration and enzyme concentration
how does temperature affect enzyme activity more kinetic energy means substrates/enzymes will collide faster, increasing the rate of reaction. However above 40 the active site changes shape and the enzyme denatures
how does pH affect enzyme activity human enzymes work best at pH 7 (neutral). above or below that makes the enzymes denature, and causes their bonds to break.
how does substrate concentration affect enzyme activity more substrates means a faster rate of reaction, until all of the active sites are full. With time, substrate concentration decreases though.
how does enzyme concentration affect enzyme activity more enzymes means more available collisions to create an enzyme substrate complex, until all substrates have an active site and no more enzymes are needed.
what is a competitive inhibitor a molecule with a similar shape to the substrate, which also fits into the active site, blocking the formation of an enzyme substrate complex.
what is a non competitive inhibitor a molecule that binds to another part of the enzyme, causing the whole enzyme to change shape and therefore the substrate will no longer fit the active site.
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