Our World


Flashcards for Our World
Flashcards by manesha.singh, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by manesha.singh over 8 years ago

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Question Answer
What makes us human? 1.Bodies,to move 2.Minds,to think & decide 3.Emotion,to react 4.Personalities,to be unique & different from each other 5.Experiences & influences,affect ourselves and decisions
Difference from animals? 1.Humanity,compassion/caring for others 2.Intelligence,to think & reflect 3.Morality,sense of right & wrong 4. Language,ability to read & write languages 5.Soul,spiritual part of humans that allow to relate to God
Big Bang 1. Scientific explanation for creation 2.Universe began with a big bang and continues to expand 3.Gases formed together as they cooled 4.It is a theory,some religious are prepared to believe this but think God caused it
Theory of evolution 1. Scientific theory for creation of life 2.Everything changes & adapts to its environment 3.God did not make creation 4.Humans are not special 5.Some religious people believe to evolution. God may have created people this way
Christian Creation 1.God made the world in 6 days & rested on the 7th,written in the Bible (book of Genesis) 2.God made everything out of nothing (ex-nihilo) 3.It was literal,exactly as the Bible says or it was non-literal,not a full explanation 4.God created everything,it was perfect,humans spoilt it
Christianity Looking after creation 1.People should care for the environment because -it is God's creation,it is holy and precious -Adam & Eve given dominion & were told to look after world -Stewardship,duty to leave world in a better state -Parable of the talent,do what you can to make the world a better place
Example of Stewardship (Christian) (Chico Mendes) 1.Brazilian rubber tapper who cared for rain forest 2.Many forests were being destroyed for logging & cattle 3.Believed that income could be earned without the destruction 4.Lead non-violent protests against deforestation 5.In 1988 cattle ranchers stopped deforestation of area but he was shot dead by son of a cattle rancher
Christian teachings of animals 1.Animals can be used for medical experiments & for food 2.Humans should not cruel,farmers should care for their animals humanely 3.God is also creator of animals 4.Bible teaches that people should respect God's creation 5.Humans have dominion over animals,that bring responsibility
Muslim Creation 1.One of Allah's names is Al Khaliq (The Creator) 2.Allah created everything in 6 days (did not rest on 7th) 3.Allah created unseen thing (Jinn) 4.Iblis (an angel) refused to bow down to Adam 5.Renamed Shaytan & tempted Adam & Hawa to disobey Allah
Islam Looking after creation 1.Allah gave humans role as Khalifah (steward) 2.The ummah is the brotherhood of Muslims,all Muslims working together 3.Teachings of Shari'ah are to look after creation 4.Judgement for an individual will be based on how well that person looked after the earth
Muslim teachings of animals 1.Animals can be used for medical experiments & for food 2.Humans should not cruel,farmers should care for their animals humanely 3.God is also creator of animals 4.Qur'an teaching that animals have feelings & must be dedicated to God when being slaughtered
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