Computer Science Revision 2


Computer Science Revision 2
Hannah Styring
Flashcards by Hannah Styring, updated more than 1 year ago
Hannah Styring
Created by Hannah Styring over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What does CPU stand for? Central Processing Unit
If a CPU has a clock speed of 4GHz, how many instructions can be carried out per second? 4 billion
If a CPU has a clock speed of 2.4MHz, how many instructions can be carried out per second? 2.4 million
What does the term 'core' refer to? The number of processors contained within the system. Eg - Quad Core = Four Processors
What is the purpose of cache memory and where is it located? The cache memory temporarily stores instructions from the main memory. It sits between the CPU and the main memory.
What is the Fetch, Decode, Execute Cycle? The processor gets an instruction from the main memory, woks out what the instruction means and then carries out the instruction.
HDD is an example of what type of storage? Magnetic storage
CD stands for...? Compact Disk
What is the smallest unit of storage, nibble, bit or byte? Bit
RAM is a type of main memory. True or false? True.
RAM is volatile. What does volatile mean? When the power is switched off, the contents of the RAM are lost.
Give some examples of devices that contain flash memory - Cell phones Digital Cameras Printers MP3 playes
Name 3 logic gates - NOT gates AND gates OR gates
What do NOT gates do? NOT takes one bit as an input and gives the opposite as an output. Eg - Input: 1, Output: 0
If I input 1 to a NOT gate, what will the output be? 0
What does a NOT gate look like?
What do AND gates do? AND gates take two bits as inputs. If both inputs are 1, then the output is 1. Otherwise, the output is 0.
If I input a 1 and a 0 to an AND gate, what will the output be? 0
If I input a 0 and a 0 to an AND gate, what will the output be? 0
If I input a 1 and a 1 to an AND gate, what will the output be? 1
What does an AND gate look like?
What do OR gates do? OR gates take two bits as inputs. If both inputs are 0 then the output is 0. Otherwise, the output is 1.
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