html intro


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Flashcards by igrepstuff, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by igrepstuff over 8 years ago

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Question Answer
element an item enclosed in <> brackets is called an?
attribute an item inside <> which elaborates or quantifies the element?
6 how many heading elements are there?
<h1></h1> type an opening and closing heading element.
<p></p> type an opening and closing paragraph element.
a what html element is used to create links?
href what is the primary link attribute name?
<a href="">Google</a> create a link to google.
img what is the element for images?
src what is the primary image attribute?
<img src="cat.jpg"> create an image link to "cat.jpg".
ul html element for a bulleted list?
li html element for an item in a list?
html element everything on a web page is nested inside an?
body this element contains the content of the web page?
doctype this element tells the browser which version of html you are using?
<!DOCTYPE html> write a doctype tag.
div this element groups other elements together into sections of the web page?
rules css uses these to define the design of an html element?
css what is used to control the appearance of html elements?
h1 {color: red;} write the css rule to color h1 items red.
selector a css rule starts with this?
selector css element that specifies which html elements to style?
property, value the names of the two elements inside the css selector?
selector, property, value css rules consist of these three parts?
.name css rules can target attribute names using the format?
classes and element names css rules can be more specific by combining?
color this css property sets the color of html text limited to 140 colors?
rgb, hexidecimal enhanced css properties that allow for expanded set of colors?
255 rgb values range from 0 to?
255 what rgb value is the brightest?
rgb(1,2,3) rgb is entered with the following format?
ff hex values range from 00 to?
ff what hex value is the brightest?
# hex color values are preceeded with a?
font-family this property sets the font of an html element's text?
Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif the first commonly used font family?
"Times New Roman", Times, serif the second commonly used font family?
"Courrier New", Courier, monospace the third commonly used font family?
font-size sets the size of an html element's text?
pixels, ems, rems font size can be measured in?
background-color use this to set the color of the background?
background-image use this to have an image set as the background?
border this property sets the width, style, and border?
padding creates the space between the content and the border of an element?
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