
Newton's laws
Flashcards by yoonis-shire, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by yoonis-shire over 8 years ago

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Question Answer
WHO IS ISSAC NEWTON A man born in England (1642-1727). He made enormous contributions towards science. He discovered the force of gravity and that white light consists of more colours other than just one. This change the perspective of how people saw and understood the world.
What are forces Forces are pushes, pulls or twists which can make an object start moving , speed up, slow down, stop, change direction, shape or form.
When do you know when a force is acting? 1. Sometimes forces are balanced making them not have an effect on a object. 2. Other times in a car accident you can see the force acting upon an object
Galileo hypothesis Galileo belief/thought was that an object was given a push it stops because of the friction acting against it. Therefore he thought believed that if there wasn't an opposite force the object will keep on moving never stopping ( this is true in 1977 a satellite was launched n still travels even though it's out of fuel)
Issac newton's idea of Galileo hypothesis Isaac newtons improved this thought by creating his first law of motion which is: *an object at rest will stay this way unless a force acts upon it. *an object that is moving will continue to move at the same speed and direction unless a unbalanced force acts upon it.
When do you feel this law of motion Inertia is an example of this first law. Inertia is the tendency to resist any change in motion this can be felt in a train when speeds up and slows down.
Newton's second law of motion Newton's second law states that: *an object will accelerate in the direction of the unbalanced force acting on it. The size of this acceleration depends upon the mass of the object and the size of the force acting upon it.
Newton's second law of motion formula Fnet=m x a Fnet= force acting on an object m= mass of the object a= acceleration of the object (Also can be re-arranged to find acceleration as "a= fnet divided by mass of object.)
Newtons third and final law Newtons final law states : For every force there's an opposite force known as the ACTION FORCE. Example when you hit a soccer ball the ball is acted with the applied on it but u also get some force back known as the action force.
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