Abduction and Kidnapping


Offence Legislation -liabilities
James Forgie
Flashcards by James Forgie, updated more than 1 year ago
James Forgie
Created by James Forgie over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Abduction S208 (a), (b), or (c) CA 61 14 Yrs 1.1 Unlawfully 1.2 Takes away OR Detains 1.3 A person 1.4 Without his or her consent OR with his or her consent obtained by fraud OR by duress 1.5 with intent to a) marry him/her OR b) Have sexual connection with him/her OR c) Cause him/her to be married or have sexual connection with some other person
Kidnapping S209 (a), (b), or (c) CA 61 14 Yrs 1.1 Unlawfully 1.2 Takes away OR Detains 1.3 A person 1.4 Without his or her consent OR with his or her consent obtained by fraud OR by duress 1.5 with intent to a) hold him/her for ransom or service OR b) Cause him/her to be confined or imprisoned OR c) Cause him/her to be sent or taken out of NZ
Consent re Young Person S209A CA61 For S208 & S209 a person under the age of 16 cannot consent to being taken away or detained.
Abduction of Young Person under 16 S210(1) CA 61 7 Yrs 1.1 Everyone who with intent to deprive a parent or guardian or other person having the lawful care or charge of a young person of the possession of the YP 1.2 Unlawfully 1.3 Takes away or entices or detains the YP
Receiving a Young Person under 16 S210(2) CA61 7 Yrs 1.1 Everyone who recieves a Y.P. 1.2 Knowing that he/she has been unlawfully taken or enticed away or detained 1.3 With intent to deprive a parent or guardian or other person having the lawful care or charge of him/her of the possession of him/her
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