the rite and symbolism of reconciliation


GCSE Theology Flashcards on the rite and symbolism of reconciliation , created by Niamh Quinn on 06/04/2016.
Niamh  Quinn
Flashcards by Niamh Quinn, updated more than 1 year ago
Niamh  Quinn
Created by Niamh Quinn over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Contrition we can feel sorry for our sins and decide to go to a priest for confession ( the boy 'comes to his senses' and is sorry for what he has done)
Confession we can say sorry to God in confession by telling the priest our sins (the boy returns to his father and says sorry to God and his father)
Absolution - God forgives us through the words of the priest: 'i absolve you from your sins, in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit' the priest also gives words of advice and encouragement (the father forgives the boy, unconditionally)
Satisfaction/ making amends - we may receive a penance for our sins e.g say thoughtfully an 'our father' and a 'hail mary' (the boy is prepared to be treated as one of his father's hired servants)
Why do people avoid the sacrament of reconciliation? - fear and anxiety - guilt (fear that they are too far gone or beyond the possibility of forgiveness) - Misunderstanding ( may feel they have done nothing wrong enough in their lives and do not need forgiveness) - others prefer to speak to God directly about their sins and to ask for forgiveness rather than to a priest
What are the effects of the sacrament - Jesus gave his disciples the power to forgive sin and this has been passed on to priests today - people like the idea of a penance given by the priest as it makes them feel that they have made up in some way for the sins they have committed - peace and serenity of conscience - an increase of spiritual strength against evil - release from eternal punishment incurred by mortal sins - regular confession helps to develop a close relationship with God - improve moral conduct
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